Would you choose to use a desktop operating system like Windows or a Simpler OS like Chrome OS on a computer with 32GB storage?


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I choose a Desktop OS like Windows or Linux Mint on a PC with 32GB storage drive because I can still watch DVD disc movies, and listen to music CDs in most desktop OS. There are also still many software, and older games which can fit on 32GB drives depending on how much free space is available after installing Windows. Many Windows

Desktop OS are also more customizable than a basic OS like Chrome OS where it is possible to install widgets to the desktop, add a folder to a desktop, and change the animation style of the Desktop.
Well, I would probably choose a light operating system for sure.
Otherwise there wouldn't be any meaning to choose a device like that....
There are also older versions of Windows like XP and some Linux OS like Puppy Linux which work okay on computers with less storage space.