Would you drop a long series?


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Will you be able to drop a long series, after following it for years?
For me, that would be a big fat no.
Depends how bad it is, but usually anything I put time into I hardly drop.
It depends. If it's not holding my interest, I'll drop it like a sack of potatoes. It does keep my interest, then I can continue following it.
I tried to keep up with naruto (the original one).. it had way too many filler episodes ...
It really does depend on how bad it is. I usually finish all my shows, no matter how long they are. Even with people complaining about BBT and other shows, I've still been enjoying them and watching them
For me, I watched Detective Conan for a very long time and I grew to love the fillers.. maybe because of how I love the concept of mystery that's why I'm still hooked by it.
For me, I watched Detective Conan for a very long time and I grew to love the fillers.. maybe because of how I love the concept of mystery that's why I'm still hooked by it.
It's been sitting in my watchlist like forever.
Because of the episode count, I am too afraid to pick it up.