Would you feel safe buying the Nintendo NX when you look at Nintendo right now?


Well-Known Member
Would you personally be comfortable buying the next Nintendo home system if it released in say....two years?

Do you feel they're so out of focus with customers and so set in their ways that they have alienated both fans and developers too deeply for the NX to be a success?
I personally like nintendo (I have no console bias, if a game has good exclusives, which nintendo does, then it's worth the money to me.) I'm not sold on the NX yet. But I love my 3ds. It gets more play time than most my other systems because of the huge amount of rpg and anime styled games on it, which is to my tastes.

You see, the beauty of it is, it's a large world, and not everyone wants hyper realism, 3d graphics. Not everyone wants twitch combat, FPS, online play, etc.

People like different things, and that's OKAY! :)

Nintendo isn't going anywhere. A lot of people might feel upset about E3, but I've made up my mind to buy the Wii U for SMT X FE alone. And even if thats the only game I buy for that console, ever, I will not regret my purchase, but chances are there's gonna be other games too that will pique my interest.

I only have maybe 4 games that I love on my wii, but do I regret buying it? NOPE. Because Xenoblade and Last Story kick HUGE amounts of ass, making them 2 of my favorite games of all time. Not to mention Rune Story Factory, and other titles that I have loved.

Nintendo had a decent line up at E3 this year, with the two Fire Emblem Games, Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon, Star Fox, and Earthbound. All of these are popular titles with Nintendo's fans. 

I keep seeing Nintendo Fans are pissed. But WHY should Nintendo try to emulate xbox or other systems. Nintendo is doing fine doing what it's been doing.

3ds has been "hot" for years with a HUGE library. Nintendo has been very successful in the handheld market FAR more so than the PSP/Vita, and Xbox doesn't have a handheld. So really Nintendo shines there. Since the NX will be a mobile (handheld) system, I feel it's also going to do fairly well.

I'll be buying myself a Wii U in 2016. :) And maybe an NX, but it's too early to know, until I see what games it will have. I usually don't buy a system til it has an exclusive that I "must" play.
I have to wait and see what the NX is about and Nintendo's plans is. Hopefully they have learned and making good future measures for their possible last console.
I agree with Demon_Sekith. I'll have to wait and check out the console's specs and what games it brings, but from what I currently see on the Wii U, I would have no problem purchasing the NX. It looks like a promising console and Nintendo is my second favorite gaming company after Microsoft.
I think just as long as Nintendo keeps coming up with new games,I would buy the NX. I never thought about the fact that Xbox doesn't even have a hand held console. Will Nintendo offer something cool for pre ordering?
Xenokitten just took all the words I wanted to say out of my mouth. 

Nintendo is different, and they cater to an audience that has a different viewpoint at times. I always wanted a big console from them, but the handhelds are doing a damn fine job keeping me entertained. If I see something I really like though for Wii U or NX in the future, I'm won't even hesitate to get one. I'm already lamenting my lack of a Wii U to some extent, but since there's no new Monster Hunter for Wii U, I'm slightly placated. 