Would you live in the White House?


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If your mother/father was President of the United States....would you live in the White House with them? Even if you're over the age of 21.
More security there than anywhere else. If anything I'd live underground if I needed.
No age doesnt matter.
I dont think you're getting a NASA computer lol
I wouldn't mind living at the White House. As mentioned before, there would be more security and that would do it for me. I wouldn't have to worry about just anybody getting into my house.
I've been there, but I dont think I want to stay there... the surrounding area has too much going on
I wouldn't want to live there. While there is more safety, you give up more as well. Everything you do is scrutinized.
Hell No. For 2 reasons.

1. On general principle, I would not want to live in the White House.

The place was built by the Enslaved, and cursed by Tecumseh, and sitting on land originally owned by my Native ancestors.. so they would probably be friendly spirits to me.. but I wouldn't take that chance anyway..

But half-joking about spirits aside, there is just way too much history.. and it would be like living in a museum.

And a few of my other ancestors had lived there during their times in office.

And I wouldn't want to take the chance on Tecumseh's spirit coming for me just because I am descended from a few of its former occupants.. (not that my Native or Enslaved ancestors had much of a choice where that was concerned either..)

Then again, I would never stay or get married on a plantation, eat peaches from the Devil's Punchbowl in Natchez, MS, or visit any of the flooded cities (like Lake Lanier, (formerly Oscarville, GA) and countless other historically Black cities that were destroyed) either.

It would be literally like a Jew whose ancestors died in The Holocaust staying willingly at Auschwitz. I say this because I recently learned that Hitler literally got his ideas for that from here.. so unfortunately, everything that happened to them there, happened to us first in this country.. as he studied this country's post-slavery Jim Crow Era and its laws as inspiration for The Holocaust. (More here)

2. It is way too old.

I wouldnt live in any house that was so old. When my husband and I were looking, we didn't want a house built before 1960, because our old apartment was built in 1942, and since then, there were many changes in materials (lead paint and asbestos from the 50s and it gets worse the farther back in time you go to stuff like knob and tube electrical wires, arsenic paint, etc.) and ceiling heights over the years, (in the 1920s and prior the average man was 5' 5" back then and my husband (6' 6") and I saw a house built in 1920 where both my Mom (5' 5") and SIL (5' 2") were able to touch the ceiling.. and then be on the hook for updating everything to today's standards, and while the White House would be sort of exempt from these guidelines, there is still a lot of limits..

I mean that place didnt have internet until Obama was in office and I sincerely doubt that anything has been updated since, and you would be EXTREMELY limited on what you could do, in the same way you would be if you bought a landmark house.. which we didn't want either..

You can't get creative and you would have to stick to the few rare, expensive choices of materials the city/town would give you if you wanted to change anything.. and it would have to stay in the same design period and still dependant on city's approval. So it would be like you were a custodian who only "technically" owned the house, but still had to pay the mortgage and property taxes on it.

So that is another reason (albeit, less morbid) why I wouldn't want to live in the White House..

And as "safe" as it is, everybody would know your address, so you wouldn't have much privacy either.
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Don't get me wrong, I know there will be so much pleasures which comes with living in the White House but I love my freedom more than anything. I don't want to have anyone or house rules dictate how to live in my own house.