Would you more likely use computer maintenance software like Disk defrag, and Disk Cleanup if it is


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Yes, I'm more likely to use Automatic, and easy to use 1 click computer maintenance software like TuneUp or Advance System Care Pro because they are easy to use, and don't waste my time as much compared to Windows Disk Defrag, Disk Clean up, and other bundled programs which come with Windows which seem a little slower, and require more clicks of the mouse to do simple things like disk defrags, and clean up.

I use Tune Up Utilities on a desktop, and also use Advance System Care Pro 6 on my laptop and other desktops I own, so I don't have to manually clean up my temporary files, and do disk defrags anymore, and they both work pretty good.

The Full Cleanup and computer maintenance for both Tune Up and Advance System Care Pro 6 are also both very easy to use where you just press Scan, and then repair.
I use Tune Up Utilities as well and it's good. but recently I can't get it to update with it's update feature. Keeps saying my connection is blocked by a fire wall which it isn't.