Would you pay money for a Web Browser on a PC or Smartphone/Tablet?


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No, I would not pay money to buy a paid web browser since there are so many free web browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Maxthon, Safari, and more for desktop and mobile phones.
I would if it came with night mode which makes all sites come in dark themes.
Sure, if it were going to pay one of my bills or offer a discount on them, otherwise no. Because if all else, you could always use the default browser, which you did technically pay for since you bought your PC or device.

DS, I meant to tell you that Maxthon does have a night mode on the PC version.. And the best part is that it is FREE.

See the moon icon?


You can even customize the colors on the PC version. for mobile, you'll have to tweak the HTML file stored on your device.

To activate the "Night Mode" button, you have to go to the menu by clicking on your avatar in the upper left corner of your browser. (mine is a lazy polar bear, but yours will be a blue smiley face if you haven't changed it..)

Choose "Customize UI."


Then, click on the "Quick Tools" tab.


See? Night Mode activated.

I think if the web browser came with a few bundled service like Netflx, Cloud Gaming like Onlive, Gaikai, or Steam then it might be worth it.

A lot of people consider the Netflix, Hulu, and other media apps for Tablets, Desktop, and phones to be Closed web browsers which only can go on one site which is Hulu, and Netflix for watching online videos on their website.
Sure, if it were going to pay one of my bills or offer a discount on them, otherwise no. Because if all else, you could always use the default browser, which you did technically pay for since you bought your PC or device.

DS, I meant to tell you that Maxthon does have a night mode on the PC version.. And the best part is that it is FREE.

See the moon icon?

You can even customize the colors on the PC version. for mobile, you'll have to tweak the HTML file stored on your device.

To activate the "Night Mode" button, you have to go to the menu by clicking on your avatar in the upper left corner of your browser. (mine is a lazy polar bear, but yours will be a blue smiley face if you haven't changed it..)

Choose "Customize UI."

Then, click on the "Quick Tools" tab.

See? Night Mode activated.

*rushes off to get Maxthon*