Would You Rather: Host Your Own Daytime TV Show or Star in a Soap Opera


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This one is gonna tug on your morals a little bit because in this one you have 2 scenarios:

TV Show/Soap + you have to go along with the content, regardless of it going against your beliefs (with exceptions) for 5 million dollars


TV Show/Soap + you can refuse whatever topics they give you, BUT your pay is cut in half, so you're only getting 2.5 million​

Would you take the higher deal knowing it goes against everything you stand for OR would you take the deal for not selling out but making less money in the process. Keep in mind that your money is also taxed, it's not a guaranteed contract. Choose wisely!
Neither, I don't like being filmed. lol
I always did want to host a daytime show lol.
I would pick Daytime TV show because I can interview interesting guests and create contests live giving away money to contest winners.