Wouldn't it be 'funny' if this gen's console war winner went out of business?


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No, not Nintendo specifically. Just, whoever the winner might be this generation among Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft.

Because let's face it, there's a not too impossible chance this might happen. After all, the big three are all theoretically losing money or just about breaking even on console hardware, so even if their systems sell millions, they could easily put their respective makers even further into the red.

So what if it happened? Wouldn't it be so interesting to watch the internet 'console war' fights and see their participants have a break down when trying to figure out who the true 'winner' of this generation was?

Or even funnier, if everyone but the 'loser' went out of business after this generation. That would be something to behold, a lovely testament to an unstable industry coming crashing down at the last minute.

But what do you think? Would you find it interesting to see the company behind this gen's most successful system end up folding afterwards? Or even to see the loser of the console war (whoever it might be) as the only one standing at the end?
A world where Nintendo ruled supreme... I think that without rivalry, there would be no variation, no progress. And that would apply to any of the big three.
No, not Nintendo specifically. Just, whoever the winner might be this generation among Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft.

Because let's face it, there's a not too impossible chance this might happen. After all, the big three are all theoretically losing money or just about breaking even on console hardware, so even if their systems sell millions, they could easily put their respective makers even further into the red.

So what if it happened? Wouldn't it be so interesting to watch the internet 'console war' fights and see their participants have a break down when trying to figure out who the true 'winner' of this generation was?

Or even funnier, if everyone but the 'loser' went out of business after this generation. That would be something to behold, a lovely testament to an unstable industry coming crashing down at the last minute.

But what do you think? Would you find it interesting to see the company behind this gen's most successful system end up folding afterwards? Or even to see the loser of the console war (whoever it might be) as the only one standing at the end?

Hypothetically speaking, I doubt the "winner" would do the bankruptcy. I mean, financially speaking, the loser is Nintendo at the moment and that would place them as the most likely. with Nintendo gone the sales would go up for Sony and MicroSoft if even if not by much. Sony would benefit in the handheld area especially.

Now, if Nintendo was smart they'd back out of the console wars and focus on the handheld systems specifically. More R&D to back them would make them have a niche market they would dominate even more than they already do! Then, their only competition would really be the android / ipod/ipad market as not too many people care about the Vita still.
That's how I normally win most things. By being the only one left. Anyways, it'd be funny for everyone to say "PS4 is the worst console ever" and then Wii U make negative profit and Xbox One run out of ideas...