Wouldn't you love to have this PC?

Two GeForce GTX480 (1.5 GB) video cards, in SLI.
Intel hexacore Core i7-980X CPU
1500W Silverstone PSU
CPU cooling unit
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
150GB SSD (solid state drive) and 1.5TB 7.2krpm HD (hard drive)

And for those who are curious, the price is over $7,400

It can run Crysis at 76.7 fps, and SupCom at 57.8 fps (I'm assuming at the highest quality)

Also, look what a lucky 8 .. yes, EIGHT year old girl got for her birthday:
Not only does she have one of the best gaming PCs on the market (as of September 2010 at least), but it's connected to a Sony HIFI Sound System and SONY 52" HD LED 3DTV -- 52 inches? HD? LED? 3DTV? I've heard of being spoilt, but this is just ridiculous... *is turning bright yellow*
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I run Crysis at 70 fps and Supcom at 60 fps (until about the 1:30:00 mark) and my computer had the wrong label on it at Best Buy so I got it for $400. I run 2 crossfire attached Radeon 4850 HD with i7 running at 2.90 GHz and a huge amount of storage (don't remember exact number) with 8 GB of RAM.

Edit: Proof


Both of these are what it came with. I've added another 4850 HD and 5 more GB of RAM.



The stuff I've added in since I got it.
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15-in-1 card reader? I only have 4 card slots, each of which support 2 different types of card... however, I also have a USB stick thing which has 3 card slots, each used for certain card types.
The first slot is for SD, MMC, MMCplus, RS-MMC, MMCmobile and miniSD
The second slot is for MS, MS PRO, MS Duo, MS PRO Duo and M2
The third slot is for TF and microSD

Most of these can be inserted directly into my computer, but for example, the MS PRO Duo can't, which is why I got the Mobile Card Reader (as it's called). Another good thing is if I put an SD card in the SD card slot of the USB thing, and another into the SD card slot of the computer itself, I can transfer from 2 SD cards, for example.

As for my system info:
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
OS Version: 6.1.7600 N/A Build 7600
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Standalone Workstation
OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
Original Install Date: 22/10/2009, 12:18:43
System Manufacturer: Compaq-Presario
System Model: RS918AA-ABU SR2149UK
System Type: x86-based PC
Processor(s): x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel (Intel Core 2) 2133 MHz
BIOS Version: Phoenix Technologies, LTD 5.08, 08/12/2006
Total Physical Memory: 2,046 MB
Available Physical Memory: 906 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size: 5,142 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 1,862 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use: 3,280

I also have 88 Hotfixs installed and 4 NICs.

All this crap is easy to find. If you have Vista or 7 at least, open cmd.exe (Command Prompt), and at the line where you have directory to your user, e.g. "C:\Users\yourname>", this is where you type "systeminfo", so you should have C:\Users\yourname>systeminfo. Then press Enter.
Its nice to have nice things like that but you really have to work hard to earn something like that.
Its nice to have nice things like that but you really have to work hard to earn something like that.

My brother and I raised $500 dollars each to buy the computer, and it took forever. Yet whenever we got to the counter at Best Buy, it only cost $400 dollars because it had the wrong price tag, and the clerk didn't notice.

That wasted most of my summer two years ago. >.<
My brother and I raised $500 dollars each to buy the computer, and it took forever. Yet whenever we got to the counter at Best Buy, it only cost $400 dollars because it had the wrong price tag, and the clerk didn't notice.

That wasted most of my summer two years ago. >.<

You could have bought some other stuff like accessories or games.
15-in-1 card reader? I only have 4 card slots, each of which support 2 different types of card... however, I also have a USB stick thing which has 3 card slots, each used for certain card types.
The first slot is for SD, MMC, MMCplus, RS-MMC, MMCmobile and miniSD
The second slot is for MS, MS PRO, MS Duo, MS PRO Duo and M2
The third slot is for TF and microSD

Most of these can be inserted directly into my computer, but for example, the MS PRO Duo can't, which is why I got the Mobile Card Reader (as it's called). Another good thing is if I put an SD card in the SD card slot of the USB thing, and another into the SD card slot of the computer itself, I can transfer from 2 SD cards, for example.

As for my system info:
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
OS Version: 6.1.7600 N/A Build 7600
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Standalone Workstation
OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
Original Install Date: 22/10/2009, 12:18:43
System Manufacturer: Compaq-Presario
System Model: RS918AA-ABU SR2149UK
System Type: x86-based PC
Processor(s): x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6 GenuineIntel (Intel Core 2) 2133 MHz
BIOS Version: Phoenix Technologies, LTD 5.08, 08/12/2006
Total Physical Memory: 2,046 MB
Available Physical Memory: 906 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size: 5,142 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 1,862 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use: 3,280

I also have 88 Hotfixs installed and 4 NICs.

All this crap is easy to find. If you have Vista or 7 at least, open cmd.exe (Command Prompt), and at the line where you have directory to your user, e.g. "C:\Users\yourname>", this is where you type "systeminfo", so you should have C:\Users\yourname>systeminfo. Then press Enter.

Or you could just run dxdiag and tell us the stuff that matters, ya know, like CPU, GPU, RAM, and HD space. >_>

That computer is nice, but ultimately overkill. There are way cheaper systems, like Magikarp's, that can do comparatively well for thousands less. Still would be nice to win that bad boy in a contest or somethin.