WoW as Addictive as Cocaine


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According to The Local, which bills itself as Sweden's news in English, the Youth Care Foundation has branded Blizzard's MMO World of Warcraft as the most dangerous game in terms of addiction and goes as far as calling it "the cocaine of the computer games world."

The report is still unpublished, but details were given out to Swedish media. Sven Rollenhagen of the foundation reportedly told the Swedish newspaper Metro that "there is not a single case of game addiction that we have worked with in which World of Warcraft has not played a part."

The Youth Care Foundation, according to The Local, "works to advocate active alternatives to gaming," though it also deals with other forms of addiction. This isn't the first time The Local has reported on World of Warcraft, as it reported in November of last year that a Swedish boy was admitted to a hospital after collapsing during a 20-hour World of Warcraft binge.


This report is new but the knowledge of this is pretty old.
Seems like a waste of time stating things other people stated since people used to say people who play EverQuest were addicts.

Plus, I think cocaine is way more addictive then WoW since there are more people who have their lives totally messed up by Cocaine.
Hah! that is funny, just cause we use to call Goldeneye 007 on N64 "crack"
we'd all have this tradition where we'd each pick up our N64 controller and hold it like a crack pipe when we first picked them up each session we played.

But, yeah, i've heard crazy stories from friends' families about how the game can consume players quickly. Even had a friend who had to buy a seperate computer for his wife, so they both could play at the same time.
WoW can be an okay hobby, but I think people who play WoW are not as bad as crack addicts since a lot of WoW addicts still have a home compared to druggies.

Final Fantasy used to consume my day before MMO were popular .