WoW Players - favorite race/class/spec?


Well-Known Member
For all the WoW players. Do you guys have a favorite class to play? Or how about a race? And for your class, do you have a certain spec? If you are new to WoW and don't understand these terms I'll explain.
Your race is what you pick first when you are creating a character. An example of an alliance race is Human and for Horde, Orc.
Currently I play on Horde for the most part and I always go for blood elf as they are really only the decent looking race for Horde.

A class is a specific type of character that is available for the race you choose. Examples include rogue (master of stealth) or a warrior (who is often a tank, or can take the most damage) and others like priests (who is a healing class).

A spec is a way to customize your character even more. For example, a druid can go many different ways. A druid can choose to be a tank and take a lot of damage. Or they could spec to do dps (DO a lot of damage) or even cast spells and become a healer.
On one server I have a hunter that is in the level 40s (somewhere around 45) and it's spec'd for Marksmanship. I absolutely own with him in battlegrounds (player vs player matches setup by WoW automatically).

However, I just started a priest and it is level 41 (as of last night) and it's spec'd for Holy, meaning ultra healing powers :) Really fun character except priests get killed pretty easily in pvp and on the server I am on Horde isn't that great in pvp.

So yeah, any WoW players, what about you?