Xbox 720 Not Needed


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Gamers looking for a graphical upgrade for this current generation of consoles will have to keep waiting.

In an interview with Develop, Microsoft Game Studios head Phil Spencer said the company is focused on evolving the current Xbox 360 console, with additions such as Project Natal, and is not interested in pushing brand new hardware out the door anytime soon.

"We effectively reinvented the Xbox once already when we rewrote the dashboard. It's not about trying to sell consumers a new piece of hardware at the wrong time, it's about evolving the platform continuously. And we are going to find things, like Natal, that are hardware-related to also do that," said Spender.

"Do we need to sell a new console at some point? I don't think we need to right now," he added. "We'll wait until our experiences are at the right point, like we have done with the Natal camera. We'll wait until everyone is ready for it from a software perspective."

Spencer argues the release of Natal "starts a new generation of entertainment." He also says consumers don't want another full-priced console.

"And in terms of putting more hardware on the market, what else can we do? Put more memory in it? I don't think that's enough," he says. "We like where we are at with the box – 360 currently has a great price point. Consumers don't want another $400 box right now."

I guest, this means Gamers who care a lot for very High-end Graphics need to look else where for the most realistic gaming like Computer Gaming.
I think it's a good thing. There's no need to continuously flood the market with new consoles. Focus on making the current generation of consoles enjoyable while waiting a few years for things to get better. Then work on making the next generation of consoles.