Xbox Live Threat Earns Achievement, Arrest


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Allieu Shaw, a 19 year-old Frostburg State University student, was taken away from his dorm room in handcuffs by police after allegedly making a threat to shoot up his school while playing Call of Duty 4.

Good move, Allieu!

The genius-who-represents-the-worst-of-Xbox-Live could face up to a year in jail and a $5,000 fine for the threat.

Another player, Kaipo "The Snitch" Damurand of Oregon, contacted the Frostburg Police Department after Shaw made his threat. The police swung into action and locked down the campus, contacted Microsoft and swarmed into the kids room.

After Shaw was taken into custody, he reportedly told investigators that “he was joking and had no intention of following through with the threats,â€￾ according to the court documents.

Allieu Shaw, a 19 year-old Frostburg State University student, was taken away from his dorm room in handcuffs by police after allegedly making a threat to shoot up his school while playing Call of Duty 4.

The genius-who-represents-the-worst-of-Xbox-Live could face up to a year in jail and a $5,000 fine for the threat.

Seriously, why does it have to end up with someone playing a first-person shooter game? These are the kind of idiots we have when it comes to FPS = violence. We don't want another Columbine and Virginia Tech massacre to happen here in America (or anywhere else). Hell we've seen enough violence in this world already, not needing more so it'll dumb down the world.

After Shaw was taken into custody, he reportedly told investigators that “he was joking and had no intention of following through with the threats,â€￾ according to the court documents.

So it's a joke?! You think making a false threat is a damn joke?! Does this moron know what happened earlier this year? Does he ever read the damn news? The guy's a dumbass and should be locked up more than just 1 year for making a threat to the students as his school, even if it's false or not, or isolate him from the public.