Xbox Live TV Channel?


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According to sources speaking with Bloomberg, Microsoft is in talks with former News Corp. President Peter Chernin (who's currently got a gig at Fox) over bringing a TV channel to its Xbox 360 console.

Beginning earlier this month, the discussions revolve around bringing a full channel of programming to the 360, which would include both new shows and re-runs, all aimed at a "young, male target audience".

The channel would be a joint venture (and would be co-owned) between Chernin and Microsoft. That's all Now the bad news: it seems that in order to foot the bill for this, Chernin has suggested raising the price of an Xbox Live Gold subscription by a dollar or two a month.

Seems a bit steep for something many people wouldn't be terribly interested in, what with the fact their TV sets already have TV channels on them that bring them TV shows. But that's one of the key drawbacks of Microsoft's all-encompassing subscription model, I guess.

I be interested if MS has 24/7 Jpop, Kpop, Anime, Kdrama, JDrama channels on Xbox TV.

I got a feeling the channels will be full of Ultimate Fighter Challenge (UFC), Nascar, and other manly stuff.
It might be a cheap alternative to HDTV content since the Xbox can already output to 1080P unlike most cables companies which require you to buy or rent a expensive Digital Cable Box to Decrypt the High Definition video signal.

I think this will cause an increase in Sales for the Xbox 360 universal remote if it goes well since using a controller to change channels or pause live TV can be kind of a hassle due to the lack of the 0-9 number buttons on the 360 controller.