Xbox Xbox SeX Graphics Source Code Stolen


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Just read from dualshockers:

The Xbox Series X is due to launch later this year, and there’s now a hostage situation unfolding as a hacker claims to have hacked into an unprotected computer and nicked the graphics source code files. The source codes are being held ransom for a pretty hefty sum.

As expected, AMD is working closely with law enforcement officials. Meanwhile, TorrentFreak states that AMD has filed “at least” two DMCA takedown notices against Github repos that hosted some of the “stolen” source codes for what is believed to be related to AMD’s Navi and Arden GPUs. The Xbox Series X’s GPU is rumored to be the latter.

TorrentFreak followed the situation and the DMCA takedown notices to reach out to the person behind the repo, who said, “In November 2019, I found AMD Navi GPU hardware source codes in a hacked computer,” they add “The source code was unexpectedly achieved from an unprotected computer//server through some exploits. I later found out about the files inside it. They weren’t even protected properly or even encrypted with anything which is just sad.”

The hacker that the source for Xbox Series X GPU is part of the package they stole from the computer. “I haven’t spoken to AMD about it because I am pretty sure that instead of accepting their mistake and moving on, they will try to sue me. So why not just leak it to everyone?” they told TorrentFreak.

How much is the hacker holding the files ransom for? Apparently they’re valuing them at $100m and “If I get no buyer I will just leak everything,” they stated. The fact that AMD is taking this matter seriously and issuing a statement points to these files being legit. It just seems to be a case of what happens next.
You know, back in the old days we waited till the system was out on the market before hacking it for all its secrets.

True. and Nowadays it's more about the money lol
to make the system do whatever they wanted. If Microsoft forbid, lets say for example, M from happening, hackers can easily make M happen.

This isn't good for game companies who don't want people pirating their games, and playing their games for free.

I feel the source code maybe less worth it because the coronavirus outbreak may delay the Xbox Series X release date by many years like the 2020 Tokyo Olympics which may happen in Summer 2021.

The Xbox Series X maybe cancelled if most gamers become too poor to buy $500 consoles because they and their family members like wife lost their jobs because of the Coronavirus outbreak putting their country in lockdown like Italy where many people are dying from the coronavirus. Many people may eventually get infected with the coronavirus and their health may become bad where playing games with a controller is not possible because the virus ruined their health.