Xbox Xbox's Latest Financial Results July 2022


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Today, Microsoft announced its financial results for the fourth quarter of the fiscal year 2022, related to the period between April 1, 2022, and June 30.

The press release included an update on the performance of the More Personal Computing business, which includes Microsoft’s gaming division and the Xbox brand.

We learn that gaming revenue declined 7% year-on-year ($259 million). This reflects a 6% drop in content and service revenue (games, DLC, subscriptions, etcetera) driven by lower engagement hours and monetization in third and first-party games, partly offset by growth in Xbox Game Pass Subscriptions.

Xbox Hardware revenue declined by 11%.

It’s worth mentioning that these results are perfectly in line with predictions made in April, with the mention that they would also be impacted by supply constraints due to lockdowns in China. They also remain among the highest historically for Microsoft’s gaming business for this period of the year.
I feel the Xbox Series X and controller shortages caused by Covid19 lockdowns caused Xbox's revenue to decline.
I can see the shortage did hurt them but of course, people will still find ways to get their Xbox gaming fix regardless with achievements, rewards, and more games still coming to the system, which will be better when Microsoft's big buyout pays off with the new games still in the works.