you aMUSE me


Okay, I'm really into art (writing, music, visual), and I was wondering how y'all find your muse.

I normally like looking at clothing, and I also like looking at other artists work, write now I'm really into Yoh, a person who draws in a more gothic lolita style, which I'm really into drawing. I also take odd facts I learn and them make stories out of them and sometimes they inspire my drawing. Normally comparisons really inspire my writing as well as the internal pain I am feeling at that time (I use writing as an exttenisal form of pain rather than physically hurting myself... That doesn't sound good does it >_
While I am artistic, I look towards nature to find ideas, colours that you would not normally find together anywhere else you can find in nature and then mimic in other places. I naturally use GIMP/Ps to make my art whereas the normal person would use pen and paper
I look at anime, video games, television, other people's websites and nature for my inspiration. I use, Gimp,, pen and pencil, to make my art usually.