You Can Now Cancel Switch Game Pre-Orders Up to 7 Days Before Release

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Like with all other consoles on the market, pre-ordering games from the Nintendo Switch eShop has always been a simple process. Add some funds to your account, buy the game from the list, and download the data ready for its release at some time in future. It’s never been a great idea for obvious reasons, […]

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It's good that it was finally added but I don't understand why this wasn't standard practise before. It's pretty crappy that you couldn't cancel pre-orders before. It made no sense since you didn't own the game yet
It's good that it was finally added but I don't understand why this wasn't standard practise before. It's pretty crappy that you couldn't cancel pre-orders before. It made no sense since you didn't own the game yet

Nintendo wants your money, and will never let it go :P