Young Conker?


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Oh god, this looks awful:

Seriously though, what the hell did they do to Conker's design? It was pretty cool in Conker's Bad Fur Day, but this just looks ugly as sin.

As for what the internet thought of it... well, the likes to dislikes ratio kind of sums that one up...
The idea is pretty sweet, but good lord Conker looks like he's been on drugs for years. Are you sure it's young Conker and not a drugged up post Bad Fur Day Conker?
The idea in itself is great and I don't mind they use Conker for this, even if many of us wish for another adult themed like the N64 one was. It is impressive the idea of a game taht works around your environment. It is like a never ending thing. With good perks you can entertain yourself almost anywhere.

Conker's design, yeah, I agree it is not looking his best. I wanted to think it is to emphasise his expressions but those froggy eyes seem weird. I don't think h's modeled after Bubsy, just that they tried to accentuate things just to make it easier for us to tell at a distance what he's doing and how he's feeling.
Good question. As far as I know, nothing has been formally announced. So no idea. Might be just a tech demo, might have been cancelled, might just be postponed till next E3.