Your current desktop/wallpaper


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Here's mine

Mine isn't what you might thought. Can't post it, contains pornography :P
I used to have a bunch of fancy stuff like RocketDock and Rainmeter but now that my laptop is reaching toaster status, I can't run all that and I just have my standard Windows 7 taskbar and an icon-less desktop with nothing but a nice high res wallpaper. The artist Justin Maller makes some pretty awesome desktop wallpapers, my profile picture is one of them. This is the wallpaper I'm currently using:

I'm the same way with the desktop OCD, Archer! I can't have more than 4 or 5 icons on my desktop or it makes me mad haha. Right now I have a photo of an orca whale jumping out of the ocean that I took when I went whale-watching in Washington last year. I may change it up soon.
I currently use a desktop that's from Overwatch. It's a character called Genji, who is my main character. I think he's a very fun and cool looking character, so I made him my desktop background. I'm thinking about changing it soon, but for now it's a pretty cool picture of Genji
I'm using i3-gaps as my window manager for a while.
It's a keyboard-driven tiling window manager, so once you lose your access to a full blown keyboard, it could render unusable. ww