Your favorite controller of all time?


Well-Known Member
I've struggled finding the perfect controller my whole life.  I have short thumbs and so gaming can sometimes be a pain, literally, as I actually developed some sort of damage in my thumb from gaming as a teenager.

So, what do you consider to the best? It can be from any system, first party, third party or even one of the old ones built for the PC.  I'd love to find out people's opinions and maybe even a picture or two of some of the lesser known controllers.

The controller that has worked perfectly for me has been the DreamGear Shadow built for PS3.  It has worked perfectly for my shortcomings so to speak, haha.

Here is an image of it.  As you can see, it is very similar to a 360 controller but much smaller.

I really liked the Nintendo Gamecube controller for some reason. It felt very natural in my hands, but that was quite some time ago. I played the Gamecube before both the original Xbox and the PlayStation 2, but technically the PS2 controller was the same as the PS1 controller (which I had before the Gamecube). I don't know if I've played the Gamecube since I played the other two, but it's still the most memorable. I also really like the Xbox 360 controller--especially its weight, for whatever reason. The PS3 controller is fune, but it just feels too light.
My favorite for reasons unknown to me is the N64 controller. Maybe it's the nostalgia factor. 

My favorite in terms of pure functionality and overall comfort is the PS3's controller. I suppose that means the PS2 as well. Layout works well for me, sticks are in the right spot and I live how it fits in my hand. The Xbox controllers always seemed wonky with how they chose to have the sticks in odd places. 
The official Xbox 360 controller by far; it's one of the things I know I'll miss for the first chunk of this console gen (I believe I'm going with the PS4 this gen). The One controller looks good as well, with a much-improved D-pad, but it's hard to judge without playing with it first.

I'll probably get a controller similar to the one the OP likes for the PS4; I like that stick layout better for FPS games. I'll probably still use the official PS4 controller often, with that being said.
Whoa, thanks for sharing! I seriously might have to get me one of these! My favorite controller to date is probably the Xbox 360 controller, but I hate the direction pad on it, with the angles on it. I always hit those angles on it accidentally. I do think it probably is a little on the big side as well, this could be the perfect option for me. For the PS3, I've always hated both of the sticks being at the bottom too. I definitely will be looking into controllers like this if I end up getting a PS4. Can this be used for PC gaming, like emulators as well? I would assume so, right?