Your favorite game that has a nerdy title?


NintenDan's slave... I should get back to work...
Dynasty Warriors. It's an AMAZING game! But the title is firetrucking lame !!! Lulz
Ummm..."The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" has a rather nerdy ring to it.
Not only the name, but the entire premise of Kingdom Hearts is pretty hard to take seriously if you mention it to someone who has never played it before.
I played a game called "Another Code: Two Memories". Sounds rather nerd-ish in a non-nerdy kind of way; can't say it's my favourite game though.

Last Window: The Secret of Cape West is my favouritest game with a "nerdy" title I guess. I don't know what constitutes as nerdy, but hey, you don't hear many games with titles such as that.