Your favorite game to movie adaption so far?


GamingLatest Slave
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What would you say? I can't honestly name one I have particularly liked... but I am hoping Warcraft is decent, as it looks to be good - despite some less than favorable reviews.
Ummmm, none really but maybe the Ratchet and Clank movie or the upcoming sly cooper movie.

I always wished they do something with Perfect Dark, she is just a female version of James Bond with Aliens.
Silent Hill hands down which is a title I'm surprised didn't get more of a push. Which is probably because its practically a disturbing horror film that did the video game justice. I was sure that the release of this film would help launch an alone in the dark high quality film but that was an epic fail. Other then that the only other film I would have to say is Resident Evil which must hold up since there's another one being made now.