Your Nintendo Theme Song


Full GL Member
If you could have a theme song that was from a Nintendo game, what would it be? Mine would be Cosmic Cove from Super Mario Galaxy 2:

Excellent topic if you ask me, heh. My theme song would be... uhh... so many choices! Here's a list

I like the beat, plus it kind of matches my personality, which is quiet, but crazy.

Again, beat's good, it's quiet, and also a bit out there.

My last choice, for the same reasons as the other two.
Pollyanna from the Mother series. The song is bright, happy, and even the name means opomistic.

With lyrics because the lyrics give it the personality.

Without lyrics.

Either way it's a really happy, positive song. Like my personality.
Pollyanna from the Mother series. The song is bright, happy, and even the name means opomistic.

With lyrics because the lyrics give it the personality.

Without lyrics.

Either way it's a really happy, positive song. Like my personality.
That's a good song, I like it!
Hard to explain. It just... Fits. °~°
This fits for when I'm ON THE ROOF. ò_ó
I feel this matches my odd personality like a glove of insanity.