Your PC Chair


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So when you're on the computer, what chair do you use?

For awhile I've been using my lazyboy recliner but I got myself a Kroy Blue chair which is making it more comfertable for my PC use.
I used to have a chair but now, I don't use it all that much xD
I just carry my laptop where I want and most of the time, it's on my bed, so, I can watch stuff while lying down
I've been using my boyfriends' old Mesh Swivel Recliner Chair! But I've been eyeing this XO-004 gaming/pc chair on Gmarket, I hope I could get it before Christmas lol
used to have one of those gaming chairs... I dont remember what brand it was, but it broke after a month of use...
however, I just use a regular black office chair. Its all mesh, has that springy support