Your views on Free to play games, but you have to spend money to buy some items


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I think free to play games where you can play for free are pretty good since it is free, and spending money on digital items can be less then buying an entire game, and you usually know what item you are buying, and if it is worth it rather then spending 60 dollars on a whole game at once.

But, it kinda stinks that free to play games are only available for PC, and not consoles.

Plus, I think Free to play MMO games are good for competition with paid games otherwise paid games may start raising prices of games to 80 or 90 dollars if there are no free, or cheaper alternatives.

List of Free to play games.
I doubt I'd buy many of the DLC anyway. lol Maple Story is the best example. Love the game, but almost never buy anything from the Cash Shop.