You probably all heard that Obama plans to talk about the importance of staying in school during the school year to Kids in school.
I think it is a good idea since some kids might listen to the president on why school is important since Obama is a good example of where his determination in school can take him "Being the president of the United States."
I don't really get why some people are so upset about Obama speaking to the kids about the importance of education since it's a message that is important for people to understand, and follow.
Though I disagree with some things Obama
is telling the USA I believe that staying in school
is a good cause.
I might be the first in my birth family to most
likely be going to collage (my birth parents
were farmers in South Korea) and I find
education to be very important.
I go by the saying "Knowledge is power",
and that's something we need in the world.
Even though there are great people who didn't
finish school, it is helpful for the future youth
of the Earth.
It is just a speach basicly welcoming Students back to school, and him understanding that kids rather sleep in and not go to school feeling nervous, then he talks about growing up poor in Indonesia for a few years, and his mother teaching him monday through friday at 4:30 in the morningwith her extra lesson.
I think it's a great thing and I'm really disgusted by the people that are making this into some big political agenda and with the school's that aren't showing it.
Where was all this public uproar when Bush was reading to kids in school on September 11? Where was all this uproar when previous presidents have had talks with children.
In case all of these adults out there forget it, when our children say the "Pledge of Allegiance" every morning, they are pledging their allegiance to our country and it's president. Everyone may not like him, but he is our president. If the adults in our country don't respect him, why would our children grow up to respect any president??
QUOTE (Seaofclouds @ September 08, 2009 09:44 am) I think it's a great thing and I'm really disgusted by the people that are making this into some big political agenda and with the school's that aren't showing it.
Where was all this public uproar when Bush was reading to kids in school on September 11? Where was all this uproar when previous presidents have had talks with children.
In case all of these adults out there forget it, when our children say the "Pledge of Allegiance" every morning, they are pledging their allegiance to our country and it's president. Everyone may not like him, but he is our president. If the adults in our country don't respect him, why would our children grow up to respect any president??
quoted for the Fing truth of epicness.
yes, all the adults and schools who are making a big deal with this should go and shoot themselves. seriously, what president before obama has gone out of his way to make a speech for all the kids of America? All I can say is I hope obama helps some kids out with this speech.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ September 08, 2009 08:48 am) seriously, what president before obama has gone out of his way to make a speech for all the kids of America?
Hm, according to Reagan gave such a speech in 1988.
The only thing that is new is that Obama is an African American and younger then most presidients in the past.
I also find this very shameful. I feel some people in the US can't accept that the President in the US is black which is sad, so instead of admiting to their racist view, They just say we don't like the Presidient speaking to our kids.
QUOTE (Leiko @ September 08, 2009 01:00 pm) QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ September 08, 2009 08:48 am) seriously, what president before obama has gone out of his way to make a speech for all the kids of America?
Hm, according to Reagan gave such a speech in 1988.
So it's nothing new.
Those speeches weren't broadcast to all the school's in America though. That's the difference.
Sure, President Obama could have just spoken to those highschool students, but he wanted his message to get to everyone. He's been known for being the most technological president so far and he used the technology we have to share his speech with all children, not just that one school.
That's the big difference when it comes to the speeches.
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ September 08, 2009 02:52 pm) The only thing that is new is that Obama is an African American and younger then most presidients in the past.
I also find this very shameful. I feel some people in the US can't accept that the President in the US is black which is sad, so instead of admiting to their racist view, They just say we don't like the Presidient speaking to our kids.
I don't think it's just about race. A lot of people in our country seem to just not have any respect anymore for the presidential position in general.
People are quick to say, I didn't vote for him so why should I care. But the thing is, we should care because he is our leader. No, I'm not saying anyone should forgo their beliefs and follow his, but the man deserves respect.
He came into office at a really messed up time. He's trying. He's working on getting our troops out of Iraq and ending one of the two wars we are fighting. We've been at war for about 8 years now....that's longer than our actual involvement in WWII. Of course that's going to put us in a recession. Why do people act like they are surprised and blame it on him. He didn't put us in the situation we are in, but he's trying to fix it.
If he would've said, I'm only going to focus on the economy and nothing else for now, people would've bitched that he wasn't working on other things. But, as he tries to work on as much as he can at one time, people bitch that he's doing too many different things at once.
I know I wouldn't want to be president. I respect anyone that honestly wants to get up there and deal with this mess.
Ohh..and also...for all the people that really thought McCain and Palen were the better choice...think about this....if they would've one, we would've lost our VP before 1 year was up. She flaked out of her job in Alaska because she couldn't handle the press, what would she have done as VP???
Atleast we have people that are devoted to the positions that they asked for and were elected for.
I have to agree with Obama: Kids need to get the best quality of education and avoid dropouts, and that a better education means a bighter future for every student.
His message may have been a call for schools to comply with the No Child Left Behind Act.