Your views on software prices?


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Software prices for photoshop, final cut pro, and dreamweaver are kind of too expensive for me to afford since they can cost hundreds of dollars or more.

But, I find computer game prices to be fair since new titles for games are around 40-50 dollars or 10 dollars cheaper then the console version of the game.

Anti-virus and ant-spyware software prices are also fair since you can get a decent Anti-virus for 30 bucks which includes a 1 year subscription.

I normally use freeware, open source, and shareware programs.
For firewalls, antivirus and antispyware software products, I think their prices are fair enough. As for other software that you need to use at home or abroad, such as photo editors, audio and video makers, word processors, their prices may not be as fair (varies from publisher to publisher).