You're Not Playing your Steam Games


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There is Steam Game Sharing which let family members, friends, and guests play your Steam Games, so all these unplayed games can be shared with people you know who don't have any games to play according to

Share your computer?
Now share your games too.

Steam Family Library Sharing allows family members and their guests to play one another's games while earning their own Steam achievements and saving their own game progress to the Steam Cloud. It's all enabled by authorizing shared computers and users.
I ALWAYS play games I buy. Even though it's just 10 minutes or something. I never bought a game which I didn't play. If there is a sale, I carefully consider if I like that game or not. If not, I don't buy it. 

Anyway, this doesn't count for games I get for free. L4D2, Spiral Knight and Sniper V2 are covered with a thick layer of virtual dust. I don't like those games, but they were free... Yes, there I said it: I don't like L4D2 :lol:
I have 180 PC games that I bought through Steam, GMG, Amazon, Gamefly and I bet I only played 60 of them. But I cant help myself if I see a deal I have to buy it. I call it my rainy day fund. I just went through a divorce in December and I sold my gaming rig 6 months before the divorce. So I doubt I will ever get to play them. I play on the PS4 now, I doubt I will build a new rig. 

I think sales and humble bundle discounts cause players to buy games that they will never get time to play. I guess it is a good marketing strategy, I've been gifted a few games because people have ended up with two copies. Right now I'm sitting on CIV V (It came with the others but I'm only really interested in CIV V) which I still haven't got around to playing yet.
Too many games come out nowadays, and they are too cheap. We all have huge backlogs we will never have the time to play. Humble Bundles/Steam sales and PS+ just make games too easy to accumulate.
I think if Gaming laptops were cheaper, people will finish more of their PC games since they can take out their Gaming laptops from their bag, and start gaming almost anywhere.

There are also a lot of free games like Dota 2, League of Legends, Runescape, Need for Speed World, Rose Online etc which take up a lot of time because they are usually MMO and MMORPG games which can get really addicting because of the competitiveness, and new levels and features being added all the time which keep players coming back.

Paid MMORPG like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 11, and FF 14 can also be very addicting.
I think it's more of the "I'm getting more for less" mentality that almost all of us have that make us sign up for these deals. I mean I wouldn't even know what a certain game was, if I see there's an exclusive deal or it's a giveaway, I grab it instantly. And I mostly take deals on Steam, the last being Arkham Asylum.
Haha, this is quite funny. I feel "slightly" targeted... I must confess that I haven't played over 70% of all my steam games, and I have close to 400 games on steam. Most of them were gotten through humble bundles/steam sales, but a lot of them were actually retail aswell. The reason for me having so many is of course just like the video says, that during sales I just couldn't help but "buy everything I could see". I would constantly buy more and more, and every day there would be new deals that I thought I would be interested in.

Some games I bought through these sales I have played, and they were amazing, but there were also a lot of crap that i bought through these sales. A lot of the time when considering playing something new, I scroll through my library and think that everything is uninteresting, but to buy a new game: now THAT would be something!

The most likely thing that would happen if I did buy a new game would of course be that... It would just end up on the backlog pile, and I would never play it.

I am however "smart" enough to realise that I would probably never play the games I bought, so one day I just realised my mistakes and stopped buying games for good. There might be a time where I will buy a new game, if it's something very special, or a console game... But as far as PC games goes, I have enough of them.

I do finish all the games I start though, the hard part is starting to play...
I am so guilty of this. I'll see a game for $5, then say "Hey! That's cheap! Let me buy it. I can always return it if I don't like it!" Long story short, I never return them; Whether I like them or not. :wallbash:
Yeah, I am guilty of this too, I always tell myself that one day I will play all of these games that I got from Humble Bundle but it just never happens, other games are distracting me from playing all of these games it's crazy :P I have 90 games and I only play like 6 of them..... and it won't help that the Steam Summer Sale is near, that will only expand my game library that I will never touch.