Youtube Better for Gaming


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60 fps means nothing to me.
froggyboy604 said:
I wonder would 60 FPS will make YouTube lag on slower connections.

There are some  games which don't reach 60FPS like Driveclub for the PS4 which is 30FPS because the maker feels 30 FPS is better, and with lower frame rates, they can increase the video quality of the games without lowering the resolution.
It quite probably will make it lag. I mean, it only makes sense, right? Higher resolution and stufff will need more...internet...points...or something.
YouTube has 144P-480P for people on slower connections, and have bandwidth limits, but this could mean people who can barely stream 720P-1080P HD video will experience slow downs making them go back to watching regular quality video.
I do have a slow connection, but this is 2014 and we should move on to better quality already. The videos are 30FPS and the YouTube compression is bad. I believe this will also force Internet service providers to provide better speeds.
You can already upload in 60 FPS.  Simply for testing purposes I watched one of the videos, and while I am able to consistently pull 720p video on youtube with my lower quality connection, with the 60 FPS I am struggling to pull 480p.