Youtube Fidget Spinner Loading Screen


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I wonder if this fidget spinner loading icon will be permanent, or go back to the old loading circle after a few months.

It would be cool if fidget spinner video makers can choose their own fidget spinner picture because there are other shapes of fidget spinners instead of the cheapest tri-spinner with 3 fidget spinner arms, and a bearing in the center.
Why? Seriously, why? I hate fidget spinners and I do everything in my power to ignore and forget about the little wastes of money. Luckily, it only seems to be on this one video, but it better not spread to others. I will be absolutely livid.
Kind of tacky, but brings back days of old game loading screens.
Why? Seriously, why? I hate fidget spinners and I do everything in my power to ignore and forget about the little wastes of money. Luckily, it only seems to be on this one video, but it better not spread to others. I will be absolutely livid.

YouTube probably has some workers who are Fidget Spinner fans, and thought it was a good idea to put a Fidget Spinner logo on all videos which have Fidget Spinner in the title of the video.

I think it is currently on all videos with the word "Fidget Spinner" in the video title. There are many millions of Fidget Spinner videos on YouTube, so if you have a slow connection, you would be seeing many Fidget Spinner loading icons on Youtube if you watch many videos with Fidget Spinner in the title.

At least, YouTube did not include the word Spinner or Fidget which turns on the Fidget Spinner loading icon because there are probably many million more videos which has Spinner, and Fidget in the title.
Just trying to jump onto a popular trend to get more people on the site, companies do this loads now. Once the trend dies down I think it'll be replaced.