YouTube Webcam Capture Feature Shuts Down Next Month


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The Webcam Capture feature in YouTube enables users to record videos with their computer’s webcam without having to upload the video later, there’s some bad news for people who still use this feature, Google is going to shut it down next month. Those who use the feature right now will see a warning message at the top of the screen notifying them that come January 16th, 2016 this feature will no longer be available.

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This is disappointing for people who want to quickly record a video with their webcam on YouTube instead of using a webcam video recording tool, or using a digital video camcorder, and manually uploading their video file, which they recorded with their webcam recorder program, to YouTube.

I think YouTube did not do a very good job of promoting the webcam capture feature on YouTube because I did not hear about the feature much.

Webcam recording can be useful for posting short videos which are usually a few seconds long like Merry Christmas, and Happy Birthday videos where taking out a video camera is kind of a hassle.

Webcam recording can be good for people who need to upload a video of themselves talking, but don't own a digital camcorder, or smartphone for recording video.
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Must be a dead feature if they are dropping support.
I think shutting down YouTube webcam capture may prevent some less tech savvy and poor people from starting to make money on YouTube since many people who join YouTube probably just uploaded their videos recorded with cheap digital cameras, and webcams as a hobby, but latter decided to make money with their videos when YouTube or a YouTube Network like Maker, FullScreen, Revision3, etc sent them an e-mail asking them to put ads on their videos to make money with their videos.

almost all cheaper Windows 10 laptops, Chromebooks, Linux Laptops, and tablets have webcams. But, people don't always know what software to use to record video with a webcam, and save it as a video file to upload to YouTube.

The YouTube webcam capture feature can make it simpler for people to quickly record themselves on video, and upload it to YouTube from within YouTube.

Plus, a lot of kids, teens, and poor people may not have money to buy a digital camera, and rely on their webcam for making short videos of themselves singing, playing a musical insturument, performing magic tricks, and comedy in front of their webcam on their PC.
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Maybe YouTube is just running out of servers, considering the huge number of videos uploaded every day...

I agree, YouTube maybe trying to save server storage space, and is making it harder for the average computer user to upload their casual videos of them talking in front of the camera which they record on their webcam. I bet, a large portion of YouTube videos are from people making random videos. It maybe harder for YouTube to earn money from ads with short lower quality videos recorded on webcams.

I feel YouTube is becoming too much like Subscription TV or video services like Netflix where companies mostly broadcast high quality videos with paid actors following a script instead of showing videos with regular people who just want to make a video of themselves talking about random facts, or performing their hobby like playing a guitar in front of their desktop PC's webcam, and use YouTube to record and share their videos with friends, family, and random internet users.