Zelda- Skyward Sword--- 11/10


Demon Lord
Nintendo have outdone themselves again. They have produced the finest game so far in the most critically acclaimed series ever. A true gem with:
1. Beautiful graphics
2. Wondrous story
3. Inventive characters (Ghirahim, take a bow)
4. Wondrous dungeon design
5. A new take on the series' standard formula
6. Awesome controls.
Just awesome, no more to be said.
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Ok, there's a lot more to be said...
Well, the 1:1 controls for the swordplay work really well, unfortunately on menu screens the motion sensing isn't too accurate...
But since when was Zelda about menus???
The items in the game are pretty standard for Zelda, with the exception of the beetle, which is similair to the co-op Luma in Super Mario Galaxy 2.
The story is touching, with a departure from the typical 'damsel in distress' story that we're all familiar with and provides the set-up for Ocarina of Time.
As always, the characters are both wacky and wonderful. Whether it's the childish, pompous Groose, or the pure evil of Ghirahim, or the lovely Zelda, there are plenty of characters to love (or love to hate).
Enemy design and AI are impressive too, with Lizalfos requiring calculated strikes. There's no just running in with flailing arms, you'll be knocked on your backside before you can say 'triforce'.
Dungeon design is impressive too, with suitable variations in the different enviroments. There are plenty of head scratching puzzles to deal with and some of the later ones may have you calling for Fi ( the personification of your sword who functions similarly to Navi). Fi herself can become quite annoying at times, with her lengthy explanations, but her advice can be valuabe at certain stages of the game.
If I may interject some things that I think may reduce the game (imo) to a mere 10/10:

I think this game had a few flaws that got on my nerves the more I played. For one, even though they got rid of Hyrule field in order to cut down on the amount of monotony, I still found much of the game was backtracking (both in dungeons and on the main maps). Even worse, several bosses repeat with little changes. This made the boss battle gauntlet annoying since I had already fought some of them 3+ times in my first play through. Oh, and the timed "The Imprisoned" battles in the gauntlet can ruin a perfect run in a hurry.

Next, most all of the mini-games are based on luck rather than skill. The sky-diving one in particular killed me a little inside as I would make a perfect fall only to find it impossible to land on the correct space, which was on the other side of the island.

Now, not to spoil anything, but what happened to having a final dungeon??? I felt somewhat gypped when I realized I was suddenly at the final boss with no dark castle or anything to fight my way through (though the scenes leading up to the fight were amazing).

Finally, there's Fi. Oh, Fi. She had such promise and then became the most annoying Navi of them all. Not only does she fail to produce any useful information on bosses, but she has to remind me every time my hearts or batteries are low, even though there are already indicators of that.

All that said, this could be my favorite Zelda game. I've played every game in the series and this had some of the best moments. It had some really annoying flaws, but I am looking forward to my second play through of this game (currently watching my sister on her first run).
I love this game, but unlike the other zelda games, it doesn't keep pulling me back for more

I haven't played it in weeks, but its still a great game, but IMO, TP beats it