As you all know, skeith has stated that we will be doing Zombjas after we defeat the last enticed monster (though that might change). These are tips that will help you use your skills wisely and make sure we beat it when we do start it.
First things first: No one will have a real advantage over anyone else because nothing that helps you outside of zombja helps in zombja maps save items like the boomstick and the flamethower and awsome, and no one will have them in our village for a while. The only other thing that helps you is your season because Higher season = More ZP to use for buying skill levels (this only aplies the first time you ever enter a map).
2: GET AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SKILLS TO LEVEL 5: IMMUNE, Speedy, Engineering, Cleave, and Digger.
3.Try to specialize. Having lv2 Healing and Lv2 Digger, Lv1 Immune, Lv1 speedy, and Lv3 Sniper may seem like a good Idea, but it actually does more harm than good, because they are too spead out and you don't get their full effects. Your skill skill set up should look similar to this: Lv5 Cleave, Lv3 Sniper, and Lv1 immune. Note that this assumes that you have the ability to get those skill at this time.
4. ENGINEERS AND MEDIC. While needed, we DO NOT need everyone in the villlage to be one. 2 Engineers (Skills need to be similar to this: Lv5 Engineering, Lv3 Speedy, and Lv 1 Immune) and 3 Medics (Skills need to be similar to this: Lv5 Medic, Lv3 Immune, and Level 2 speedy). are plenty for easy maps.
5. Winning: We have to do the following: Seal all Rifts ,Kill every single Z,
Kill every single Zetta, Kill the Zombulator (unavailable until the rest of the map is clear) ,Close the Gate.
I know we won't have actual villagers that have the ability to have at least one 5 level skill for a while, but before we can try to recruit some that are through the BvS forum. And until we can beat easy maps in under 3 days, we should always stick with them.
For more info on what zombjas are, go to this link:
I will update this when I can, and remember I am only human. I can make mistakes, so this is only a guildline to go by. I am not telling you how to play, just giving advice based on my experience of doing zombja maps on my alt. Thank you for reading.
First things first: No one will have a real advantage over anyone else because nothing that helps you outside of zombja helps in zombja maps save items like the boomstick and the flamethower and awsome, and no one will have them in our village for a while. The only other thing that helps you is your season because Higher season = More ZP to use for buying skill levels (this only aplies the first time you ever enter a map).
2: GET AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SKILLS TO LEVEL 5: IMMUNE, Speedy, Engineering, Cleave, and Digger.
3.Try to specialize. Having lv2 Healing and Lv2 Digger, Lv1 Immune, Lv1 speedy, and Lv3 Sniper may seem like a good Idea, but it actually does more harm than good, because they are too spead out and you don't get their full effects. Your skill skill set up should look similar to this: Lv5 Cleave, Lv3 Sniper, and Lv1 immune. Note that this assumes that you have the ability to get those skill at this time.
4. ENGINEERS AND MEDIC. While needed, we DO NOT need everyone in the villlage to be one. 2 Engineers (Skills need to be similar to this: Lv5 Engineering, Lv3 Speedy, and Lv 1 Immune) and 3 Medics (Skills need to be similar to this: Lv5 Medic, Lv3 Immune, and Level 2 speedy). are plenty for easy maps.
5. Winning: We have to do the following: Seal all Rifts ,Kill every single Z,
Kill every single Zetta, Kill the Zombulator (unavailable until the rest of the map is clear) ,Close the Gate.
I know we won't have actual villagers that have the ability to have at least one 5 level skill for a while, but before we can try to recruit some that are through the BvS forum. And until we can beat easy maps in under 3 days, we should always stick with them.
For more info on what zombjas are, go to this link:
I will update this when I can, and remember I am only human. I can make mistakes, so this is only a guildline to go by. I am not telling you how to play, just giving advice based on my experience of doing zombja maps on my alt. Thank you for reading.