Zombja Preperation Tips


Well-Known Member
As you all know, skeith has stated that we will be doing Zombjas after we defeat the last enticed monster (though that might change). These are tips that will help you use your skills wisely and make sure we beat it when we do start it.

First things first: No one will have a real advantage over anyone else because nothing that helps you outside of zombja helps in zombja maps save items like the boomstick and the flamethower and awsome, and no one will have them in our village for a while. The only other thing that helps you is your season because Higher season = More ZP to use for buying skill levels (this only aplies the first time you ever enter a map).

2: GET AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SKILLS TO LEVEL 5: IMMUNE, Speedy, Engineering, Cleave, and Digger.

3.Try to specialize. Having lv2 Healing and Lv2 Digger, Lv1 Immune, Lv1 speedy, and Lv3 Sniper may seem like a good Idea, but it actually does more harm than good, because they are too spead out and you don't get their full effects. Your skill skill set up should look similar to this: Lv5 Cleave, Lv3 Sniper, and Lv1 immune. Note that this assumes that you have the ability to get those skill at this time.

4. ENGINEERS AND MEDIC. While needed, we DO NOT need everyone in the villlage to be one. 2 Engineers (Skills need to be similar to this: Lv5 Engineering, Lv3 Speedy, and Lv 1 Immune) and 3 Medics (Skills need to be similar to this: Lv5 Medic, Lv3 Immune, and Level 2 speedy). are plenty for easy maps.

5. Winning: We have to do the following: Seal all Rifts ,Kill every single Z,
Kill every single Zetta, Kill the Zombulator (unavailable until the rest of the map is clear) ,Close the Gate.

I know we won't have actual villagers that have the ability to have at least one 5 level skill for a while, but before we can try to recruit some that are through the BvS forum. And until we can beat easy maps in under 3 days, we should always stick with them.

For more info on what zombjas are, go to this link: http://bvs.wikidot.com/zombjas

I will update this when I can, and remember I am only human. I can make mistakes, so this is only a guildline to go by. I am not telling you how to play, just giving advice based on my experience of doing zombja maps on my alt. Thank you for reading.
thanks for taking the time to write this up rika. But after all the enticed monsters have been killed we will jump into this as long as things stay the same as they are. But we probably won't be doing it until I get to S7 which won't take long since I plan on speed looping with S6.
Update: Killing Zs vs Killing Zettas

Yep, it's time I updated this.

First up: There is only one type of Z that you will fight, however the can and will infect you, which will cause damage to you every time you do and action that involves attacking Zs and/Zettas untill you get to a Hospital (we start with one right above the starting point, but a level 5 engineer can build another anywhere as as there is no other building in that space, and they can they can only build one once per map) or get a Medic to heal you. Also, Infecting is determined by the RNG, meaning it is mostly luck based, and so is killing Zs and Zettas (Zettas are much harder to kill because this than Zs because you'll need weapons to increase your chance to kill them. I'll cover weapons in another update).

2. Zettas, well there are five types, so I order them form least dangerous to most.

Noms:For every action, they have a chance of Nomming you. While Nommed you can only attack Noms.

At first glance, this can seem as harmless, but there are only to way I know of that you can unnom yourself, kill the noms (which, depending on your sniper and cleave skill, along with what weapon you have equipped at the time can take a while at it's worse) and unnomming yourself at a Hospital. This combined with an infection can hurt if you run out of ZAP and/or stamina to use.

Barglers :For every action you do, they have a chance of barfing up 8 Zs into your square.

Now, killing this is harder than it looks, not because it's hard to kill, but because it can take up to 10 trys to kill it and by then it has replaced itself with up to 80 Zs. (this can beused agains't it though, i'll explain that later too).

Thrillers: For every action you do, they have a chance of thrilling you, causing you to lose an additional ZAP.

Now this is one of the harder ones, because thrilled + Infected = dead if you don't get out of there before it's too late (a skill set up of Lvl 5 Cleave, Lvl 5 Sniper, and lvl 4 Immune and Thorough or higher is ideal to solo these guy if there is no hospital and bunker near by or you're not in a group of 8 or more).

Thumper : They might do heavy damage to you, without infecting you. They also have a shield ability, which shields them from damage 60% of the times. The Thumpers are found in the Rifts.

Since these are the most deadly, I put this simply. GET A ******* Flamethower as soon as possible. They are not a joke to mess a round with, so we will need help sealing the rifts because of them. If you can skeith, you might want to offer a monster drop that is also needed for root to get some good Zombja players to help with maps. (Note: this is the only Zetta I've never fought, and thats because others got to them first, so any weapon may work on them. I'll have to fight one myself to really know how to fight them off).

Zombulator: Does damage in the same way as Thumpers, but when it hit, it throws you to the other side of the map. Unlike other Zettas, this one needs 10 hits to kill. This is the last Zombja you fight and is found in the Gate. (Update, it appears that because no one (including me) knew this because they always attacked the Zombulator while they had a weapon equipped, but it seems that in order to damage it you must have one equipped. This is still only specculation on my part, as my alt has only attacked once without a weapon. I will need to research this a little more to confirm it, but when you attack the Zombulator, it wouldn't hurt to have a weapon equipped when you attack)

Strangely enough, despite being the final boss of Zombjas, it is a joke. as it is not a luck based fight. It is more about timing.

thats all for now. BTW, you can ask questions, as long as they are not idiotic (exuse the term, but we don't need questions like: "IS ZOMBJAs cake?" or crap like that). I'll only answer real questions, but if I don't answer your real question, it is because of 2 reasons: 1. I haven't notice it yet (this means I will answer it, it just will take day or 2), or 2. It's already been asked (check before you post).

Edit*As of now, it has come to my attension that some of my info may be off, so if you have any experience with zombjas and see something that is not exactly right and just plain out wrong, you may post why you think it is here (as long as it is a civilized and not saying that I don't have a ****ing clue what I'm talking about or anything else that will cause a flame war. This an information thread, and only an information thread). If I find anything wrong, I will correct it when I can. And please, I don't want information at can't be verified, or complaints about how a word should be spelled.
good update rika, I just started playing this with my alt in another village so I got more a idea of this and let me tell you all it's no easy task and I would say zombja is whole another game.

I believe we got two monsters left to kill so after they are dead we will be starting zombjas very soon. Though before that I will bite the bullet and post on the bvs that the village is starting zombja and hopefully we will get a few helping people.
Well, it's that time again. This time I talk about Z-REWARDS, ZP, ZAP and Z-REWARD Items (I think these should be explained before I get into some of the harder to understand stuff).

ZAP (Zombja Action Points): You need this to any action in a Zombja Map, and some actions cost more than others (those cost can be reduced through Z-Skills) and moving itself also cost 2 stamina in addition to the ZAP used(this stamina cost can be avoided by 2 ways currently; The 28-Days Later theme, or the zombja juice from the juice bar[though it is not as good as the theme]. And the ZAP cost can sometimes be avoided because of The runner skill's effect (though it does depend on the RNG, at lvl 5 that won't matter THAT much, but don't expect it to activate every other minute). you start a map with at least 50 ZAP, but if you start it a little bit later than when it begins you will have a little more more. You gain 1 ZAP every 15 minutes minus 1 minute per Speedy skill level (that means at lvl 5 speedy, you get 1 zap every 10 minutes) to a max of 150 ZAP.

ZP: This is what you buy skills with, the only real way to get this is to kill Z's and Zetta's. you get more for killing Zetta's than Z's (but remember kill the Z's anyway to stop them from getting to the bottom row) and heal people that are infected.You can also you an awsome ablity that increases how much ZP you get when Z's and Zetta's are killed.

Z-REWARDS: You will get this when we win a map, but you must kill a few Z's/Zetta's to be able to get z-rewards. You can also get more z-rewards by doing of the following things: Special Rewards (+X): Most Zs Killed - . Most Zettas Killed - . Most Heals - . Launched Nuke - . Closed Gate - . : The following Ninjas joined the map, but did not help enough to get Z-Rewards: , etc. (the actual amount of extra z-rewards earned depends on the map diffitucty. This applys to both the normal and special z-rewards). also the same awsome ablity that increases ZP gains also adds 1 Z-reward to the total z-rewards earned (this awsome awarded z-reward is always 1 z-reward).

Z-reward Items: Now as some of you have read, z-rewards can be used to help the village. But before you donate Z-rewards to the village, remember that most of these items are useful outside of Zombja map as well as able to help beat maps faster. Donating is fine, just so long as you don't donate all your Z-rewards to the village: keep enough to get 3 items at least (that is untill we get the the medium map and save Z-rewards because a little easier.

Nonja Gift +20,000 Ryo 1
Nonja Party +200 Stamina 1
These 2 Item can be ignored for most of zombja content, as they don't do much to affect it. That, and their cost is not worth it out side of the content most of the time. (though they are cheap compared to the other items, they just are not need all the alot of the time)

Boomstick +2 Drain Levels, Start Zombja Maps with Shotgun 12
This and the flamethrower are must have items. This or the Flamethrower should be your 3rd Z-reward Item as they both affect Zombja content as well r00t.

Shovel 20% chance for Rare Ingredients, Start Zombja Maps with Shovel. 8
Though a good Item, it can be ignored for a while

Z-Virus While Bingo'ing, 50% chance to take no damage during Round 1. 15
don't get unless you bingo a lot, simple as that

Nonja Sidekick +20 Stamina per day 5
This is the first Item you should get

Nonja Chef +20 Appetite 7
And this is the second

Flamethrower +4 Gen Levels, -1 Nin / Tai Levels, Start Zombja Maps with Flamethrower 12
Read what's under boomstick

Any questions? And keep in mind that some of this in an opinion an some is just common sense. The rest is based on my experience in Zombja Maps on my Alt.
I figure I better Update again. This time you learn about the Nuke.

Now the Nuke is the most powerful weapon we will have, however it most be unlocked by the village leader. You must have at least level 3 Engineering to USE the nuke.

As for it's location, it will alway where the SCIENCE! Facility is (which is randomly place on the map). Also, It would be best to not use it untill all rifts are sealed (mainly, so that you can kill off all zombjas at the gate. However, I'm not really sure if zetta's and z will spawn from there, so it might be OK to nuke the gate before all rifts are sealed. Just don't bother to use it on the Zombulator it self, it won't work).

Remember, the nuke is very powerful, so don't waste it.

Also If you have any questions, please ask in the Zombja Q and A topic.

The next update will be on roles during a map. Make sure your at least prepared for our first map. You will be in for a rude awakening if you're not.
Update: Rolls in a Zombja Map

There are a lot of roll to play in a map, so I'll list the the important ones only.

Zetta Killer: This is on of the most important rolls. You'll need Lvl 5 Sniper and Cleave, and you'll need careful at a minmium lvl of 3, then work on getting at least lvl 2 immune for infection protection.

Z sweepers: another important, but highly ignored roll. For this you will need Thurough 5, Speedy 5, and Immune 3 and then try to get at careful 2. All you need to do is avoid Zettas.

Balance: Yes these exsist, and it means ALL SKILL are at least at 3 or higher. There is only one real advantage for the spec - The 28 Days Later Theme and trophy for getting the theme. Let me explain, you see there are 2 ways to get the theme. Either get one of the bonuses or have a combined Skill level total of 28 or more. Don't try for it this way unless you are in an immortal Realm that has more than 10 players with 3 or more skills at level 5. Also, it does short the village on other more needed rolls.

Combat Medic: Medic 5, Immune 5, Thurough 3. These will be needed on all map and there is no way to get around that. If you're infected, Try to get them to heal you. The only other way the is to heal at a hospital but only use thst if you are close to it and have a enough ZAP to get there to uninfect and get back to work.

Combat Engineers: Engineering 5, Cleave 5, Immune 3. Their purpose is to get to another Hospital up as soon as possible and to do it they will have to fight a Few Zettas.

Medic Engineers: Engineering 5 Medic 5, Digger 3. These are defender that can heal, as well as get a hospital up but they don't come in to play untill a path is cleared for the to the wasteland area of the map.

Barrier warrrior: Digger 5, Speedy 5, Immune 3. Yeah, the name make no sense, but these are needed more than you think. This and Medic Engineers are more useful on medium and hard maps. All they do is give you a safe place to go to, so you won't take damage from a Zombja march can hurt you if you aren't in an area that has a bunker.

The variable Figher: The is a hard roll to explain, an is impossible do without stating this- It is one of the most under used roll on a map due to the fact the that it has no specific roll to play, and it's skill stat are this; ???? 5, ???? 4, ???? 2 and, ???? 2. Do not try this, as everyone must fullfill a roll.

As for the other skills, don't worry, you will get Enough ZP to get them all eventually. The primary goal right now is to select a roll for yourself. Also, don't try to be a hero. That will make you look like you're an idiot. Trying to clear a out a few z's and zettas is onething, but don't try that to the whole map. YOU WILL be ignored because of it. As for Skills, just gett your 3 main skill to level 5 first then worry about the other ones. Also, remember to ask questions if you don't under stand something, just ask them in my Q & A topic.
Update- Roll variants

Yes, these do exist, and are very acceptable alterate specs. This is very from the variable fighter role from the last update. Mostly, in that they still fill their assigned roles, and that all you really do is alter what your 3rd major skill is.

Exsamples: Combat Engineering, and Combat Medic are the 2 major ones that have an alternate 3rd skill. Which are Speedy, and Digger (yes they do take immune from them (for a while), but they still are good and perfectly reasonable choices for your 3rd skill. All rols do have slight variants, but other than these 2, they are harder to pull off in most villages that are just starting their first Zombja Map (that, and they aren't as good as the Combat Medic/Engineer variant's).

Like I said earlier, if you have a question, ask it in the Zombja Q & A topic please. And remember to check and make sure you aren't asking a question that hasn't already been answered before asking any question to prevent repeat questions.

OK, we now know that there is no bug since we have comfirmation that the Zombulator was killed even though science wasn't unlocked. However, a new problem has arisen with this: The problem is "why could anyone other that skeith close the gate?". The answer for now seems to still involve Science!, so untill till further notice (from skeith or Nekosama) I recomend that science be unlocked no on ever map we do, even if we don't need the nuke. This just to make sure skeith doesn't always need to be the one to close the gate (not saying he shouldnt be able to close it, only that he needed a back up plan just in case he can't), and is a just in case type deal as it is not known if it is the cause yet.

It still needs to be tested, but testing this on our next map is up to skeith so I'll leave that up to him. Also, when you kill the Zombulator, please tell everyone you did to avoid something like this from happening again as well as tell us if you can close the gate or not if Science has not been unlocked.

Also, Remember to ask questions in the Zombja Q & A topic.

*Note: I will try to make a small r00t guild a little later on this month. However, it will also serve as a Q & A topic as it will only be a 2 post guide due to it being simlper than this guide and will only cover the basics of r00t.
New update: A new ability has been added to Zombjas for those who have "Survive the Impossible". From what I know of it (and since it was just put in, I don't know much about it), it is supposed to be a powerful ability. However, I would recommend that if you want to try it, find out what it does first. When I know what it does, I'll post it here.
its called nut up or shut up and when on the map this is what it says

High-Profile Actions:

Nut Up or Shut Up
Be a Hero >
(1 Attack Action of freedom from the RNG.
1/Map, Requires Survived the Impossible.
Click 3 Boxes and Button to confirm)