Zombja Q&A


Well-Known Member
I figure I better start this as the Zombja tips topic needs to have as little clutter in it as possible. So ask ALL Zombja questions here, and nowhere else please. I will answer all questions eventually, it will just take a while.

And remember, check to see if your question has been asked before you post to avoid repeat questions.
If everyone puts in enough effort into a map, what would be a average amount of z-rewards would they get?
Z-rewards are given based on the map's difficutly.

Easy Map: 1 Z-Reward, +1 Z-Reward for each Bonus
Medium Map: 2 Z-Rewards, +1 Z-Reward for each Bonus
Hard Map: 4 Z-Rewards, +2 Z-Rewards for each Bonus

So, without a bonus, you would always get the maps full Z-rewards which is: 1 ZR for easy map, 2 ZR's for medium maps, and 4 ZR's for hard maps. However, if you don't do anything (or much of anything) on a map, YOU WILL NOT GET ANY ZR'S!. I don't how many Z's/Zetta's you need to kill to quailfy for ZR's, but to make sure you get any, kill as many as you possibly can.

This means that the average always depends on which Map you are on.
Sniper 5% Bonus Chance to Zetta-Kill per Level

Cleave +1d3 Z killed per Level when Zetta killed, +15% chance per Level to kill a second Zetta of that type

You'll need these both at level 5 for their full benefit

Careful -3% Chance per Level to break Equipped Weapon (minimum chance 1%)

And this at a MINIMIUM of level 3 (careful help's a lot weapon using weapon as they can and will break more than you think they should.

This set up make's you a Zetta Killer, which is needed in all maps.

Also, after you get your Z-skills to this 5, 5, 3 set up at least, invest in level 2 or 3 immune at least so you cut down on how much you get infected.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ August 29, 2009 10:36 pm) I see,

next question, when I inject our nonja to start the map does the map appear right away or does it come at dayroll?
I believe its immediate because I think Horizion got it towards the evening.
It will start right away, however once it starts no villagers that weren't in the village when the map started may enter the map. That means if anyone wants to join the map, they must be in the village before it starts.
QUOTE (Grundor @ October 01, 2009 08:22 pm)QUOTE (Rika @ August 29, 2009 10:31 pm) Rika
It seems that in order to fight the Zombulator, Science! must be unlocked.

wrong, I never touched the Science! Facility and yet I closed the gate. so I guess if we use the Science! then we bring out the Zombulator?
I had a slightly different interpretation of what Rika heard.

Does the statement mean?
- You started a Zombja map and are getting ready to close it.
- The village gets attacked by a monster, which then damages the Science! Facility (enables Science! upgrades).
- The Science! Facilility has to be rebuilt/repaired before we are allowed to close the gate.
I believe you have confused what was said Grundor. The the Science! that skeith and I were talking about is part of the Zombja map. What happen was that the gate was (actually before skeith said he didn't touch science and sealed the gate, the quote you have of also implied that Sciecne [again, the zombja one] also had to be unlouked to seal the gate) sealed without no one saying that they defeated the Zombulator (it has been comfirmed that it was beaten) and it was thought that the Science! Facility (zombja one) not being unlocked was the the reason no one else was able to fight and not seal the gate. What is assumed right now is that only the village leader can seal the gate if the nuke is not unlocked. That is not comfirmed though, and is pure speculation on my part for right now.

You had actually quoted that after the edit, and it sort of look like something different to you. The line you quoted is bacially what skeith had said (check to see if a post has been edited before quoting it next time). Also I'll update the guide sometime between today and tomorrow with more accurate info on this to prevent missinterpations like this from happening again.