Zynga Announces New Game, CityVille


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Zynga announced on Wednesday, the release of their brand new game - CityVille.

“CityVille is where Monopoly meets Main Street," said Sean Kelly, GM of CityVille. "We are thrilled to bring the world our most social game to date – building on the best-of-breed gameplay that Zynga fine-tuned with FarmVille and FrontierVille. Instead of harvesting crops you're harvesting your neighborhood, instead of clearing your friend's frontier you're working on a friend's franchise. We hope players from around the world have as much fun playing CityVille as we had building it."

Zynga's description of the game states, “Your success in CityVille will be determined by your ability to balance the needs of your people with the business of running restaurants and business, even harvesting your own crops. When you’re good enough, you can even franchise your businesses to other friends’ cities.”

With over 33 million downloads of it's popular game, FarmVille, Zynga plans to continue its legacy with its latest new release claiming CityVille to be its most "social" game yet. With an international release in five different languages, we can expect CityVille to have the same success as the other Zynga games such as FrontierVille and FarmVille.

The game will begin it's beta testing stage in the upcoming weeks and an official release will be coming shortly after that. Currently, Zynga has over 225 million monthly active users playing their games and we don't think that number will be decreasing anytime soon - especially with the release of their exciting new game.

Will you play CityVille? Let us know what you think below.

Tom's Guide
oh god, first farming and now citying. someone is trying to make a buck off of history.
Indeed, Zynga is worth a bit more then EA according to http://www.joystiq.com/2010/10/27/zynga-estimated-to-be-worth-more-than-ea/

Zynga's stock value at $5.51 billion, a full $290 million above EA's NASDAQ valuation of $5.22 billion.

Zynga has it huge fan base of teens, middle aged woman, house wives, and women on Facebook who play Farmville.