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Wait what is your Avatar about looks a lot like Megatron
How many posts do I gotta post to be able to post YT videos?? I tried posting to help along my point, but not able to?
I'm pretty sure it's 10, just make sure they're not spam messages.
Artisan Vistra
Artisan Vistra
10 doesn't seem like a bad limit. Not sure how they count posts though because even the stuff I would consider games threads (Count to 1,000,000) counts towards your credits and post count.
Hi Legend Legend Its 10 post for both Latest Streaming Channels
Content Creator Lounge
Hey, welcome back NintendoChannel! It's been so long! Hey, while you're here, why don't you join our partner forum, Nintendo 3DS Central? I won't post a link here, because it can be found in the "Partners" tab over on the top of the page, or right there on the bottom right under "Gaming Latest Affiliates"! Hope to see you there soon, and again, welcome back! :grin:
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Hey! Thanks the for the warm welcome! It's nice to be back! And yeah I checked it out. I'm gonna be sticking with just this forum for now, but thanks! If I ever change my mind, you'll be the first to know.
Fair enough! By the way, I'm the owner of Nintendo 3DS Central, in case you didn't know! Alright, TTFN (Ta-ta for now!)!
Reminiscing about when this forum was once called "DS Ultimate," then later, "Nintendo 3DS Community." A lot was lost since the DSU/N3DSC days... looks like we've all grown up and parted ways, and the internet landscape has changed DRASTICALLY since the early 2010s, so it'll never be what it used to be. But at least I can still come back here, once in a while, to go down memory lane. (CONTINUE READING...)
Actually, I can still remember a lot of the old people from DSU/N3DSC:
Porkman, GreenWolf, Duckdude, Dark Young Link (I'm still good friends with them to this day!)

NintenDan (helped me hack SM64DS)
Spaceman Spiff

I don't know why all those names stuck with me, they just did. (CONTINUE READING...)
I wonder if anyone else from the old DSU/N3DSC forums is still around and kicking...? If so, what was their previous name(s)? Also, here are some OOLLD pictures of some cheesy-bread that I made back then... I guess, to show how die-hard I was lol. I must have been 15 when I took those, geez. And that picture I drew in MS Paint... I still use classic MS Paint to draw to this day.


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That's all for now.

As much as I miss the past... it IS the past. And that's life. We all change and (hopefully) become better, well-rounded people. Here's to making new memories, whatever they might be.
If I find more old gems, I'll post 'em here. If you read all of this, thanks.
I won the Nintendo 3DS Central Lottery again! I got 688,532.55 points! So who's going to try to win the new jackpot prize of... *ahem* 5,002.06 points?
My current bank assets are worth 3222972000.00 points right now!
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In your Nintendo 3DS Central link in your signature, be sure to add ?r=103 to the end of it, so you will earn referral points if anyone signs up with it! ;)