Does English translated manga exist in Japan?


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering. If by some miracle I end up in Japan I want to make sure I stock up on a lifetime's supply of manga and merchandise (don't really care about anime DVDs/Blurays, too expensive). Would they have English translated manga on the shelves? Or would they cost more than regular manga does? Would they cost like they do on Amazon and other sites (7-12 dollars per volume)?
Some stores in Japan do sell English-translated manga, as far as I've heard. They're not very common, but they do exist, because they get a lot of tourists and exchange students who live there for a while. I have no idea about the prices.
I imagine it be a rare store item if they do this.
Ugh, too bad. Japanese manga costs a fraction of the translated versions I find on Amazon (ironically it's more expensive in local stores here than in Amazon, including international shipping costs). I understand the increase in price but it still feels painful to drop 3 times what you would've normally paid if you knew Japanese and bought from Japan xD. Maybe that should be my motivation to finally get down to learning the language.
May be.
Most of the people in Japan, prefer Japanese manga rather than English translated manga after all.