

GamingLatest Slave
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When making or watching a video or stream, do you favor having facecam or not? I personally like facecam as it can help people relate to a gamer more and thus can improve the amount of people coming back and watching your content. 
I never got those, specially when watching gameplay or watching a tutorial.
for me, no.   In some ways it is good to know the appearance of the streamer I guess.. but not as a facecam that covers up a portion of the gameview.   Very few people are visually entertaining, it is usually what they are saying that is important.
I personally do enjoy face cams. Sometimes you can just look at the player's face and their expression will reveal everything. Especially if they are playing an intense game like Mortal Kombat or maybe Call of Duty. Sometimes when you get an amazing kill,  you just have no words to describe your feelings and your face will tell all. 

However, if it is like a commentary gameplay video, a face came really isn't needed.
Depends a lot on the streamer. I wouldn't get a lot more out of some of them (like AdumPlaze) if I saw their faces, but maybe for some of them a facecam adds to the experience.. I don't know. I generally prefer not to see their face, so I can watch the game more and just hear their commentary.
It kind of depends on the streamer for me, but in general I prefer streamers who do facecam. I never really understood how YouTube let's players who never showed their faces in their gameplay commentaries got so popular. I mean, sure, a voice can be entertaining, but come one, if I wanted to just hear voices, I'd listen to the radio...