GL Update 3/3


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It's a new month! Tis an Irish month! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the third forum update of the year! Got a few things to reveal so let us start with the ever great....

---- Of the Month ----

Goes to MisterBobbyPin Sauron for leading the charge of showing GL stands out among other forums over on FP! Thank you for all your hard work!

Topic of the month: Hogwarts legacy is everything I could have even dreamed of.

---- Very Critical Account information ----

As some of you may know, Lastpass has been hacked countless passwords are now in the wild and if you used that service, all your recorded accounts via Lastpass are at risk! We have had a few account's breached via password here in the forum in the last few months, nothing major and not sure if related or just the ever-increasing risk of cyber criminal activity. Be assured Gaming Latest is always taking steps to protect your account information on this site, but there are a few things you can do:

Use the xenforo 2FA feature:

Use a strong password and not reuse on other websites

Do not ever give out your login information or click on emails you don't know the sender.

If you ever feel like your account info has been comprised on another site, be sure to change passwords on other sites!

Let the staff know if you have any concerns.

---- New Feature ----

I plan on hosting some special events and this new addon, Post Counter will help greatly! Check out all the details here: New Custom Addon Live - Post Counter

---- To War! ----

It is time for the site battle madness! Check out this topic and help GL win it all this year! Site Battle Madness

---- Prizes are legit here on the site ----

Congrats once more to the MotM 2022 winners for getting their brand new games:

Artisan Vistra Artisan Vistra Win a free game drawing! 2022 Ver

DaBoss38 DaBoss37 Win a free game drawing! 2022 Ver

---- February Awards ----

Top 5 posters of the month have gotten their awards! Congrats!

---- Updates ----

I will be running any needed software updates on the site this month, there may be random and very brief downtimes.

And that is it! Thanks for another great month and let's have a greenish month of activity!

---- Stats ----

We currently have 499,891 posts and 4,169 members. In this last month we made over 2,832 posts! We also gained 9 active new members!

March 2023 is when Gaming Latest will get 500k posts! :grin:
Ay, I finally did it! Thank you Demon_skeith!
So who is stronger with the demonic powers? Mr. Demon or Sauron I wonder lol