GL Update 7/3


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It's a new month! Let the explosions fly? And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the seventh forum update of the year! Hard to believe, but we are one month away from another forum birthday! Lots of things coming but not much to say for now, so as always....

---- Of the Month ----

Goes to Artisan Vistra Artisan Vistra for making so many posts in the SGF section! You are awesome for doing so!

Topic of the month goes to: Do you use a smartwatch?

---- Gaming News Month ----

SFG turn out pretty well, a far cry from the old E3 days, but still pretty good. We had some nice activity from it and hope it will be even bigger next year! Thanks to all who posted and contest winners coming shortly.

---- June Awards ----

Has been given out to the top posters! Congrats as always!

---- GL Birthday ----

Is next month! On the 8th as always as we turn... 16! I'll be dishing out changes to the forum throughout the month, with a huge surprise on the birthday! What could it be? Find out next month!

And that is it! Thanks for another great month and let everyone know that Gaming Latest is the place for the latest gaming news for nearly 16 years!

---- Stats ----

We currently have 509,380 posts and 4,171 members. In this last month we made over 2,266 posts! And 3 new active member.
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