GL update 7/5


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It's a new month! Boy is it hot outside for the USA! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the seventh update of the year! Sorry for the lateness, but I've been busy with lots of little tasks. So I'll keep this short and sweet as we start off with...

---- Of the Month ----

MotM goes to... LEGEND67 LEGEND67 for constant updates and news.

Topic of the month is.... Thoughts on the full system lineup?

---- Site update----

I swear June went by fast, anyone else think so? Anyways, I didn't have time for the forum upgrade, so expect it to be done this Wednesday, July 8th in the very late evening.

----Thank you for the posts----

I know without E3, June wasn't as busy as it usually is, but the site was still pretty active! If only there was E3, but I'm very grateful for the activity, truly thank you to all members who stick with us :) As a reminder, a few members cashed in their store points this past month and gained themselves actual gaming credit money, don't forget those perks!


Next month GL becomes 13 years! Errr, that's unlucky right? Anyways, I'll plan something for it, please look forward to it.

And that is all! Sorry for the weak update, but I've been busy and I really really REALLY hope to get a job offer this week that will make my life a lot easier. Anyways, I hope you are all taking care of yourself, specially mentally. Work hard on those gaming back logs and please stay safe everyone. And! if you are in area that is opening up, please, please, pllllleeeasse do not just wildly go out. You should still quarantine yourself till you see the amount of affected people in your area become zero for two weeks.

We currently have 427,597 posts and 4,227 members. In this last month we made over 2,053 posts! And gained 23 members.
Thanks man I was not imagined this kek

No need to imagine it just believe in yourself! Let the PLOT be your no.1 guide! kek

Next month GL becomes 13 years! Errr, that's unlucky right? Anyways, I'll plan something for it, please look forward to it.

And that is all! Sorry for the weak update, but I've been busy and I really really REALLY hope to get a job offer this week that will make my life a lot easier. Anyways, I hope you are all taking care of yourself, specially mentally. Work hard on those gaming back logs and please stay safe everyone. And! if you are in area that is opening up, please, please, pllllleeeasse do not just wildly go out. You should still quarantine yourself till you see the amount of affected people in your area become zero for two weeks.

We currently have 427,597 posts and 4,227 members. In this last month we made over 2,053 posts! And gained 23 members.

Niiice! Congrats Gaming Latest! looking forward to your GL birthday plan! Mr. Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith

And Good Luck with the Job Hunting D_S!
13 years of Gaming Latest? Wow, that is an amazing achievement. Can't wait to celebrate it with you guys :)