Has gaming affected your social life?


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Have you stopped socializing with others to play games?

I've gotten bad to the point where I'd never leave home so I can game out. I have a better balance with how I live my life now.
I can't say I have ever been in a position where playing video games has impacted my social life. I am someone who does suffer from social anxiety and being out and about and socializing has always been difficult for me but I do still head out when I need to.

I would say that gaming has helped me mentally, especially in terms of my social life.
No, but I've learned to plan my game nights around social life. If I know I'm going out on a certain day, Ill either game before or after, and sometimes wont even game at all that day.
I have nothing constructive to talk about because my parents aren't interested in gaming. I have people I met through school or work who might be interested, but I rarely get to see them and the internet is the only place I can let it out and I can always assume the world around me that does not play is hollow and shallow because of it.
I can always assume the world around me that does not play is hollow and shallow because of it.

Hollow is FF7 Remake's Theme song.

Cloud is Hollow lol
Oh, yes, it has 2+ months ago all I wanted to do was play Elder Scrolls Online 70+ hours a week. It was so bad that I didn't want to do anything else. So I had to sell my Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. Things are much better now and I will get back to gaming, but once I am better under control, and it's not going to be Elder Scrolls Online.
I feel I don't spend enough time Gaming where it is affecting my social life.
I don't think so. If I were not playing games, I would probably spend this time on reading books or watching movies.
I feel gaming helped me to have more real life conversations with strangers I may of not talked to if we both don't play games.

I also enjoyed watching people play at an arcade and playing arcade games with others which are social activities.