Have you ever taken a screenshot picture of a mobile games?


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No, I don't take screenshots of mobile games because I don't know how to take screen shots of apps in Google Android, and I don't feel like installing an app for taking screenshots of mobile games.
I think my phone has some screen shot abilities, but not something I would use.
My phone had a screenshot function, but it was removed. Used to take screenshots of Flappy Bird scores back when that was a thing (not seriously).
All Android phones have a screenshot function froggyboy604 froggyboy604 its normally achieved by pressing and holding the power and volume down button.

I take screenshots sometimes, normally only of personal high scores as a bit of friendly competition with my girlfriend.
I take screenshots on my tablet:


Speedy Ninja is a jump n' shoot game where all you do is jump. You can dive under the platform to avoid danger, but that's about it, really. This game has a needlessly over-complicated upgrade system that doesn't improve the gameplay in any way, but only serves to distract its players from the fact that this is the simplest game of all time.

It's still fun though.

I don't take screenshots on my phone because I have no idea how to do it. I use the screenshot feature on my tablet because when I review a game, and I need a screen, I just click an on-screen button. That's it.