Trump claims Tim Cook has his ‘eyes open’ to moving Apple production to the US


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In an interview with Axios on Tuesday, President-elect Donald Trump says he recently spoke with Tim Cook about moving Apple production to the United States. Trump claims that the CEO has his "eyes open to it," and that he "really believe[s Cook] loves this country and I think he'd like to do something major here.”

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I think making iPhones in the US is a good idea since making phones in the US would save money on shipping and handling costs since iPhones no longer need to be shipped and packged from China, and other overseas countries.

iPhone factory workers in the US will also have more money, and are more likely to buy and recommend friends and family members to buy an iPhone compared to a poor factory worker, and their family and friends in Asia who may not earn enough money to buy anything made by Apple.
If Cook really loves this country he would have already done it. He's just kissing up to the new president.
If Cook really loves this country he would have already done it. He's just kissing up to the new president.

I think the Mac Pro Desktop PC is made in Texas, Houston, America. But, the Mac Pro is not as profitable as the iPhone and iPad because the Mac Pro is mostly used by video editors and workers compared to iPhone and iPad which is used by millions of Apple fans.

I read somewhere Apple may get a nice tax break or pay less taxes if iPhones are made in America.

Cook maybe saying this, so he does not have to pay as much tax, and keep more of his millions of dollars in earnings.

Hopefully, the American iPhone workers get paid more than minimum wage if this ever happens.