What was the last thing you ate?


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What was the last thing you ate?

I'm currently eating Pizza right now as I type.
The last thing I ate was a chocolate chip cookie :) and I heated it up in the microwave to make it softer Mmm
The last thing I ate was a can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup. Not the soup inside, just the can. It was ok, easy to warm up and kind of fills you up for a bit. I really do need to learn how to cook though.
I'm actually eating something right now! Eating medium-rare steak accompanied with some rice and sauce! Very delicious, and only rarely do I prepare steak. Always nice to have a good meal once in a while because I occasionally go to fast-food restaurants and get my dinner from there.
Tiger toast. :)

(Vegemite and cheese on toast.)
A tomato, and I'm about to dig into some ribs. :happy:
I will finish my meal with a delicious IPA, perhaps Hop Devil by Victory.
I haven't had breakfast yet. Last night I made a home made pizza with cheese, tomatoes (from my garden yay!), mushrooms and sweetcorn.

Completely jealous of your ribs BitesizeCrayons! :(
Ooh, I had a great one:

Cottage cheese
Sliced banana
Raspberries (or blueberries)
A touch of honey

All of that mixed in a bowl. Such a delicious snack. I wholeheartedly recommend everyone to try it.
I just finished eating a couple of spring rolls with honey & soy sauce it didn't taste all that great to be honest.