Where you find us and why join?


Staff member
Full year of Nintendo Online
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Once again welcome to GF, I am happy to see you join up and if you would please detail a bit more as to why you joined.

Where did you find us and why did you join up? Me and the other staff would be happy to find out why.

I found this off of The Mario Forums because you are a member there to ;). I originally joined for coins but now I am sticking around because this is a good website.
I found a link at Smash Domain, and I have been looking for a good game forum. Hopefully I have found what I'm looking for.
I was walking home one night when I noticed that I was being followed by the same unmarked, window-less cargo van for nearly 3 blocks. I turned a corner and went down a dark alley to try and lose the van.

This was when one of DS's minions followed me down the alley way. Noticing this, I quickly ran out of there, and no sooner did I turn a corner, did a big, burly man with no neck and a serious BO problem grab me, and another person put a cloth soaked in chloroform over my face and held it there until I blacked out.

The next thing I know, I wake up in a dark, wet, dungeon that smells like pizza from my favorite neighborhood pizzeria, and before I can yell for help, a small tray with 3 jellybeans. a can of Coke and note from DS himself.

It simply said, "You have something we want, and as soon as you give it up, we'll set you free."

It's been almost 4 years, and I am still here and have no idea what they want from me, but I did notice his choice of words. I've seen enough hostage movies to know what "we'll set you free" REALLY means.

To make matters worse, he introduced me to my very realistic clone, so that no one will notice that I am missing or think to ask questions. He even took my jacket and rubbed it on the clone so that she would have my scent, and my cat would think that it was really me.

But for now, I can take some comfort in the fact that I haven't seen DS's face yet, and so, I think there is still a chance he'll let me go ALIVE, and in one FULLY FUNCTIONAL piece. I am hoping that my posts around here will convince him. I am not signing any releases though.. my organs are staying exactly where they are.

Ok seriously, I got here from FP.. and decided to stick around.. :)
I found this sites in ForumPromotion. The admin invite me to join this site so I joined this site, it look like a fun and amazing comunuity!:)
I found you via Forum Promotion when we were talking about a staff position. The forum interests me a lot and I want to talk about gaming so I joined up.
I found this forum by googling for some discussion about a game.
I decided to join because i want to join in some good discussions
Found it through a topic on ForumPromotion and decided to join because of how avid a gamer I am.
I joined because i saw this website at ForumPromotion. Honestly, it looks like a good website with good community that i would love to be active member of but unfortunately I have other things I need to finish first. I also like the "website" which i have bookmarked.
I found this website ad on forum promotion and decided to join1 I really like the choice we have for choosing the theme which is most suited to our needs.
We agreed an active/active on forum promotion. I'm posting a tad more than our agreement, but it does no harm to either party so all is god there. It's also nice to have such a varied discussion with gamers from around the world