I've been good. Just still working on my cartoon. Not as fast as I want to but it's getting done. What about you? And how was/is New Years for you? Did you and Porky meet up at Christmas?
i would but...im gonna be goin to bed here shortly cuz i work tomorrow...but tomorrow for sure, ill try to come on around this time to see if ur on...im lvl 46 in monster hunter i believe 46 or 47 not sure which.
ooo ok then...well i have off friday-monday, so we will have to play sumthing one of those days, and juan is coming over so yea we will all brawl it up!
Well you can just email me your new number when you get it. I'll have internet and phone service on the 3rd of january. We'll have to pick up on monster hunter then.
well you can email me the number or something when it changes. I'll have phone service, internet and such on the 3rd or january as well. We'll have to pick back up in Monster Hunter then.
yea we are gonna have to...i havent played monster hunter or brawl in quite sum time...i originally wanted to play brawl when u go to juans....but i forgot he dont have wifi yet *sigh* but yea we will have to play maybe sumtime next week...im guessing ur at his house now so yea.