Recent content by Dragon Lord

  1. Dragon Lord

    Other Playtonic removes controversial YouTuber JonTron from Yooka-Laylee

    Like I said before, and Demon_Skeith said above, no one is getting their money back. Playtonic has done nothing to warrant backers getting a refund. The Kickstarter promised to deliver a game, and the game is being delivered. JonTron doing some grunts in the game was never the point of the...
  2. Dragon Lord

    Other Playtonic removes controversial YouTuber JonTron from Yooka-Laylee

    Many of this comments in his conversation with Steve Bonnell lean heavily towards a mindset of white supremacy. The most telling of which being when he brought up concerns that eventually immigrants would enter the gene-pool. He also made many discriminatory remarks towards Mexicans and blacks...
  3. Dragon Lord

    Other Playtonic removes controversial YouTuber JonTron from Yooka-Laylee

    They won't go bankrupt over this. Not even close. Saying that they're going to lose two-thirds of their fan base is completely inaccurate. First of all, people won't get refunds from the Kickstarter. The game is finished, the money spent. Secondly, Playtonic didn't do anything that would...
  4. Dragon Lord

    Other Playtonic removes controversial YouTuber JonTron from Yooka-Laylee

    It's a completely normal business move. There's really no reason anyone should be mad at Playtonic for doing what every other business out there would have done. When someone who is associated with your company puts themselves in deep water by saying stupid things, of course you're going to want...
  5. Dragon Lord

    Nintendo Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia limited edition

    They must have had a small restock or had some cancellations. Or perhaps they only put a certain amount of stock up for order yesterday, and saved the rest for today. Either way, I went ahead and snatched one up now. I wasn't going to, because I can't stand giving my money to Gamestop, so I was...
  6. Dragon Lord

    Nintendo Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia limited edition

    It's not an issue of them selling fast. It's an issue of Nintendo not knowing how to make a proper amount of stock for them. It doesn't help that pre-orders for it opened up in the middle of the day, when most people are at work, allowing scalpers to pick up a large majority of the copies. Then...
  7. Dragon Lord

    How much daily

    Depends on a couple of things. I'll listen to music while I game if it's 1) my second play through and beyond or 2) a game without any voice acting. Although I usually wait until I've played the game for a while before I turn on my own music, so that I can listen to the in-game music first. Or...
  8. Dragon Lord

    Do you use Twitter?

    I use my Twitter to follow game publishers and keep up with news on upcoming releases/new announcements, but that's it. I don't tweet anything myself. Occasional retweet to enter a giveaway, but that's it.
  9. Dragon Lord

    Video Games Release Dates Week (3/19/17+)

    It was a nice week for me. Got the Limited Editions for Touhou Genso Wander and Touhou Double Focus (two Limited Editions bundled into one) and the Limited Edition for Anima: Gate of Memories. Also picked up Toukiden 2, which will be arriving later today.
  10. Dragon Lord

    Playstation TV!

    PSTV is a great alternative for people who are interested in Vita games, but don't actually want to invest in a Vita. You get the enjoyment of the games, but on a bigger TV screen/computer monitor instead. You can get PSTVs for $40-$50 now (in the US at least), so it's definitely worth a...
  11. Dragon Lord

    Are You An Achievement Hunter?

    Kind of, but also not really. If a game doesn't have trophies/achievements, I'm not going to care. It won't ruin the game for me. However, if a game does, then you bet I'm going for each and every single one of them. Don't care how long it takes or how much grinding I have to do, I will get that...
  12. Dragon Lord

    What was the first game that you trully loved?

    The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was probably my first gaming love. I can't even guess at how many times I played through that game in my childhood.
  13. Dragon Lord

    Best game of 2016

    My personal GOTY for 2016 was God Eater: Resurrection. Fantastic game and everything I had heard about it were true. The God Eater series has quickly become a favorite of mine.
  14. Dragon Lord

    Which era made you a gamer?

    90s with a bit of 80s mixed in. Mostly played on the SNES, but I also played a good amount of Atari and NES as well.
  15. Dragon Lord

    What systems are you playing games on?

    Currently I am actively playing games on PS4, Vita, PS3, 3DS, PSP and Steam.