Recent content by Fireshot

  1. Fireshot

    Budget Gaming Mouse Suggestions

    I just bought the mouse. My impressions so far is that its decent. It's true what's said in the video about the liftoff distance. I have to lift my mouse at about a centimeter to stop registering movement. You get what you pay for. At least I won't feel guilty if I wreck this one.
  2. Fireshot

    Deadpool 2

    I enjoyed Deadpool 2 as much as the first one. This sequel has more action scenes and funny moments for me. Some of the parts that I loved where the formation of X-Force, my favorite X-men Villain who appeared and the post-credit scenes. Hopefully there would be a Deadpool 3 or an X-Force movie...
  3. Fireshot

    Budget Gaming Mouse Suggestions

    Hi Fellow PC Gamers, My Logitech G102 mouse is failing me and I'm on the market looking for a replacement. Unfortunately I'm pressed cash for so I need to buy a budget gaming mouse for the meantime. I found this mouse on YouTube that caught my attention: For a mouse that is around 20...
  4. Fireshot

    E3 Dragon Quest 11 Story Trailer

    I can't wait to play this game. I've heard that Dragon Quest games are popular in Japan so this game caught my curiosity. After seeing some game play footage, I can't help but not like the soundtrack they were using for the game. It seems too old school PS2 style for me. Hopefully the game...
  5. Fireshot

    E3 Spider-Man E3 2018 Gameplay

    Cool Gameplay! If I only have the budget to buy a PS4, I would purchase that game on launch day. If I were to nitpick the games looks like the Marvel version of the Batman Arkham games. I hope I'm wrong and the game offers a lot more.
  6. Fireshot

    Do people buy the game just for the music?

    I buy games primarily to play them. If I like the soundtrack of a particular game, I would research the web to find a store that would purchase the soundtrack. Some soundtracks that I like are the CupHead soundtrack, the Mass Effect soundtrack and FF12 orchestral soundtrack.
  7. Fireshot

    What game(s) are you currently playing?

    Yes, I own the PC version of the game. It's my first playthrough so I'll be running the game as is. I'm currently enjoying the gameplay and the battle mechanics. Maybe I'll try the mods after I've finished the game.
  8. Fireshot

    Cyberpunk 2077 Analysis

    I can't wait to learn more of this game. This will be my first CD Projekt Red Title that I'll buy when it's released. I've heard that some concerns that the game taking a first person oriented view. As long as the story and gameplay mechanics are great count me in the Cyberfunk fandom. :)
  9. Fireshot

    What game(s) are you currently playing?

    I'm currently playing Overwatch. I have been playing for almost two years already. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get out of the bronze tier. I hope the upcoming "Looking for Group" changes would help me climb once Blizzard implements it. Aside from Overwatch, I play Final Fantasy XII the...